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London Trial Judgement Day: UK Jury To Begin Deliberation In The Trial Of Ibori's Associates In London

May 16, 2010

Judge Christopher Hardy of the Southwark Crown Court in London has concluded his instructions to the jury in the trial of the three female associates of James Ibori, the former Delta State governor currently on bail in Dubai, in the long-running nine-count charge of mortgage fraud and money laundering against Ibori.

Judge Christopher Hardy of the Southwark Crown Court in London has concluded his instructions to the jury in the trial of the three female associates of James Ibori, the former Delta State governor currently on bail in Dubai, in the long-running nine-count charge of mortgage fraud and money laundering against Ibori.
In summing up, Judge Hardy ask the jury to consider the evidence presented by the prosecution, stating how the defendants handled criminal money in the UK on behalf of Ibori. In measured tones, he summarized the positions of the prosecution and the defense teams in the case. Observers expects the jury to give a ruling   as early as tomorrow as the jury starts deliberation in the case.

Legal observers told Saharareporters that it was clear that the prosecution presented overwhelming evidence before the jury.

Saharareporters noted that Ibori's lawyer, Mr. Bhadresh Gohil attended the court hearing today. He and two other women, Ibori's mistress, Udoamaka Okoronkwo and his wife, Theresa Nkoyo, are billed to stand trial in a separate case of money laundering concerning Mr. Ibori later in the year. A third trial involving several individuals at large, including Henry Imashekka (who is currently hiding out in Ghana), David Edevbie (who was relieved of his position in the federal government this morning by President Goodluck Jonathan), former Akwa Ibom State Governor Victor Attah and two UK citizens, concerning the looting of V-Mobile shares, is also on the way.

If the UK successfully extradites Ibori, his trial in the UK will be an epochal one as well.
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