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Miscarriage Of Justice And Violation Of Fair Hearing Principles: Dr Festus Taiwo Asebiomo – A3669AH, Wing K2-22

May 16, 2010

Dr. Taiwo Asebiomo – In custody at the Birmingham Winston Green Prison since 2009. He is a Nigerian national, a medically qualified person, says that he has been charged with assaulting someone on the bus in Birmingham by stabbing!

Dr. Taiwo Asebiomo – In custody at the Birmingham Winston Green Prison since 2009. He is a Nigerian national, a medically qualified person, says that he has been charged with assaulting someone on the bus in Birmingham by stabbing!
He denied the assault and and he claimed that he was the victim of robbery attack, when his phone and laptop was about to be dispossesed of him. He says that the Police have taken over the case since then and the person he is alleged to have assaulted never appeared in court and the wound alleged to have been inflicted was never forensically examined. The CCTV of the assault was never produced in court nor the medical record detailing the type of injury and treatment received, when and where received and by who was not produced as evidence against him.

The worst of it is that the gentleman, Dr Asebiomo says that he was not given or allowed a legal representation to defend himself, he has been held in custody throughout the trial, no witness was provided and when judgement was passed, he was not taken to court and he was unaware of his sentencing until he received a letter in custody saying that he has been sentenced and he will be moved out elsewhere which he protested.

 Dr. Asebiomo says that he is a victim of miscarriage of justice and false allegation with the aim of making him unfit to practice medicine and to render his years of studies null and void. He has been fighting to clear his name since he was arrested and taken into custody and his freedom has been denied him. He has not worked or earned a living for many years and he could not afford to brief a solicitor. His legal aid was withdrawn midway into his trial and he did not enjoy the confidence or cooperation of the legal representative given to him as he observed that their attitude to his case was biased and prejudiced. He has been taunted severally that he has no one to help him and therefore anything can be done to him.

Before his case was determined, his story began to appear in the newspapers locally, Metro and Observer Sutton coldfield  in May and April 2010and the content of the newspaper reporting, to many people who know him was misrepresentative of his person. He was written to be a GP, he was never a GP, the media house that published the story did not verify which GP practice he worked. He never saw any patient as a GP in any practice. Some other information stated in the paper were completely untrue of him. Who sponsored the story in the media? why was the story not published in a more reputable newspaper with good journalistic principles? why was the story published in free newspapers? He has been convicted but he was not taken to court for sentencing, he only got a letter saying that he will serve 3 years in jail unless he appeal. This man has no means to take a barrister and he has been taken through the legal system in the UK without any legal support.

 His only option, given his helpless state is that of office of fair trial. The case needs to be given due attention as there is strong evidence of collusion and injustice here. There is violation of his human right.

Dr. Asebiomo is well known to many and during the court proceedings he was alleged that he suffers from a mental health problem. He has never been diagnosed by any psychiatrist of any mental health problems. He had an assessment with a Consultant Psychiatrist in Derby Hospital last year when he was arrested, he was even assessed under the mental health Act and he was deemed to be of sound mind and discharged. He has carried on his affairs competently and his social and inter relational skills are normal to many that knows him. Very outgoing sociable man. Yes, he s has been fighting for his immigration status in the UK since he arrived in 2003, yes has made few errors and mistakes, but this does not warrant the amount of problem the legal system has placed on his shoulder, particularly when his freedom has been deprived throughout the trial. He is not a terrorist or a high valued target. One can only wonder why the UK government is doing this to an innocent foreigner.

Dr. Asebiomo says that now they are planning to move him from Winston green prison to another prison without prior notice of his conviction or sentencing. His name has been dragged into the media even before he received notice of his sentencing in absentia.

Please act in the interest of justice to help this Nigeria National to get fair hearing and fair justice. The alleged victim remains faceless, never attended court, only pictures of wounds brought to court, they even alleged in the newspaper that published his story that his victim is another Nigerian national..called Emeka Obasi. Who is he? Where is he? Why did he not come to court?

Fair Trial International needs to know about this case Tel 02077626400.
Fair Trials International is a unique human rights charity. We campaign for fundamental rights for people facing the ordeal of criminal charges in a country other than their own. In addition to providing legal assistance and advocacy to individuals in need, we fight the underlying causes of injustice in cross-border cases through our policy interventions, research and training.
FTI pursues its mission by providing individual legal assistance through its expert casework practice. It also addresses the root causes of injustice through broader research and campaigning and builds local legal capacity through targeted training, mentoring and network activities.
FTI is not limited to a particular geographic region, though recognizes that it must match its casework, campaigning and capacity-building activities to areas where its limited resources can be deployed to greatest effect.
This man need help and he needs it fast.


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