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Re: UBEC Scam: How Modibbo, Wife Steal Commission’s Billions Through Phony Companies

May 17, 2010

Dear Saharareporters Team: Your exclusive story on the fraudulent acts of Dr Ahmed Modibbo Mohammed of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) made an interesting reading. Indeed, it remains the story of the month.

Dear Saharareporters Team: Your exclusive story on the fraudulent acts of Dr Ahmed Modibbo Mohammed of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) made an interesting reading. Indeed, it remains the story of the month.
However, instead of serving as a basis for further investigation by our journalists in Nigeria, the report ended up creating an opportunity for them to collect money from the UBEC boss. Dr Modibbo was bombarded by phone calls and text messages by these journalists who threatened to publish the report in their newspapers but sadly the man ended up bribing them to kill the story. It is really a pity.

In fact, he met with the editors of virtually all the newspapers in the country on Saturday, May 15, 2010, and gave them huge sum of money to ensure that the story doesn't appear in their newspapers. The meeting was held in Abuja.

Maybe you should do a follow up on the story to highlight this embarrassing attitude by the people who are supposed to be the watchdog of our society  so that the publishers and owners of these newspapers will know what their editors are doing.

Thanks for taken the pains to inform us about the scandal in the first place without compromising your editorial integrity. You are actually the kind of people we want as journalists in Nigeria and not current businessmen parading themselves as journalists.

May God continue to give you the courage to say the truth and do what is right in making Nigeria a great country.


Yours faithfully,

Mohammed Hassan
Abuja- Nigeria

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