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It's The Same Ole Big Goons!

May 18, 2010

The first Ijaw president in Nigeria is the handiwork of OBJ as this was the deal when he could not get a third term that a Niger Deltan be allowed to be Presido in order to postpone the turn of the Igbos as per PDP rotational bullocks but the condition wasn't right yet so he installed the brother of a trusted comrade(senior Yaradua) to hold a while since they all knew he that wont complete a full term in office due to his ill health, funny to some OBJ really considers himself one of the true patriots of Nigeria, remember he and his commandos actually swing the war to the federal.

The first Ijaw president in Nigeria is the handiwork of OBJ as this was the deal when he could not get a third term that a Niger Deltan be allowed to be Presido in order to postpone the turn of the Igbos as per PDP rotational bullocks but the condition wasn't right yet so he installed the brother of a trusted comrade(senior Yaradua) to hold a while since they all knew he that wont complete a full term in office due to his ill health, funny to some OBJ really considers himself one of the true patriots of Nigeria, remember he and his commandos actually swing the war to the federal.


The other major geo-political zones especially the North and West are wary of an Igbo President or maybe an Igbo comrade that can be trusted not to split the country has not emerged from the shadows yet.

What better could Musa Yaradua's do to leave a continuos and endearing legacy started by his brother, so the strategy was since he wasn't going to be around for much longer was to atleast create family relevance in the political circuit to ensure continuity that the senior Yaradua had done before him that made it possible for him to become governor then president so he married off his daughters to those he regarded as the next gen northerner politician with prospects.

When disater struck unexepectedly, Turai his wife realized their daughter marriages to serving governors may not be enough, so sometime during the WHERE IS YARADUA drama series a deal was stuck with JE Goodluck to appoint a new Yaradua in FEC so atleast a family representative close to center of activities before baba OBJ fully arranges the next dispensation so the family wont be left out or forgotten.

Fela did not like OBJ, remember army arrangement now its civilian arrangement since we all said we do not want military government anymore just look all of them now, either former military men, friends and relatives of former military men, or the new generation sons and daughter of friends of former military guys, least i forget the newest generation who through sheer wits,bravado and some techniques not yet in the books, beats all odds to not only include themselves in the midst of happenings are/were now even acclaimed king makers in their own rights - this is the spineless Ibori crew, i call them spineless in that their roots has not grow deep enough compared the prominent old teams(cabals) like OBJs,IBBs retired military men,these cabals are the truely untouchables, they have always pride themselves as the true patriots of this great nation called Nigeria, and will stick by it that they are and will always be better patriots than bloody civilians, just as they frowned on the Ibori's cabal bloody civilians who fearlessly loot without respect and when the shit hits the fan they scare and hide under their wives blouses, no back-up no spine indeed, but the military cabal are always coordinated because they are all well trained and have experience and kits to survive in highly compromised situations, infact most of them attended the best military schools in the world.

Don't ever get it twisted this guys are still in control and will be for some time, we are talking legacy here, all this things have all been arranged (army arrangeement), it is indeed a very tall tasks to be able to beat this guys at their own game, ask M.K.O.Abiola, Bode George,Ibori etc they will confirm that baba na baba, you can loot all you can but these guys can turn you into ordinary thief just as easily and quickly as they have created you.The arrangement of recycling is already out of date so IBB should forget about coming back and lets see another formulae jo oh!

One should give a thought to the Newest generation of cabal, reminds me of what Frank said to Tony Montana in the movie Scarface about the new bird that likes to fly high that could definately be supa-fly for some moments but never last in the game, Ibori do you follow? It was nice coup to heat the Niger Delta area, supply arms to youths, gain control of the creeks therefore unrelentless bunkering almost like owning your oil well but not like Danjuma ofcourse because wether you like or not he was legally entitled to his oil well before he sold his interest, alas the difference is clear but the newest generation of cabals brewing from the Niger Delta succeeded in forcing the attention of the big boys but forgeting that they lacked the right cutlery needed to dine with devil, only the likes of Kinjibe, Anenih Ojo Madueke are few that have successful cultivated long lasting relationship with the big "Goons", MKO was good with them while it lasted.

The guys are master strategists, master coup plotters, master spy/counter spy black covert operators, etc comparatively too massive for the school boy whose delinquencies despite innovative and courageous is a far cry from the levels of sophistication of the big "Goons" who have already managed to institutionised their operations that it is very difficult for any big operations to run in sub saharan Africa without some form of involvements, basically these big "Goons" will run laps around any cabal whatsoever as far as Africa as a whole is concerned.

We hear different things every day some say Ibori was a member of the Buccaneers in UNIBEN, just as it can be said that Prof.Wole Soyinka is Pyrates, what I am trying to elaborate is that these two aforementioned individual attended universities in Nigeria at two different eras, Wole Soyinka in the 60s before the big "Goons" started their operations, while that of Ibori was when their operations was in full blown mode but still adjusting structural designs, OK now a saying goes that what ever happens within the university campuses in Nigeria is a reflection of what is happening in the bigger society, the period in question saw our young university students turned serial murderers and all hell was let loose in campuses the same period of letter bombs, all time high corruption public & private sectors, controversial incidents ie plane crash wiping almost all promising middle ranking officers of the armed forces after the Orkar coup and so many more unjust killings was order of the day in campuses, so if the saying of elections of bigger society is true what do then expect in university campuses? The miniaturization of the Nigerian politics reflected on university campuses all across the nation and carried forward now into civilian politics.

Obviously these two Nigerians from different generation are known worldwide although one more than the other, one for his deft literary skills while the other for neo-wholehearted-straight-for-the-killing-looting extravaganza, I submit to all that it is no coincidence that Ibori turned the way he turned out, the side effects spurring from operations of the big goons albeit clever has numerous side effects hitting the masses directly, or is it a mistake that Wole Soyinka who his generation was lucky enough to have witness the good in Nigeria before the "Goons" took over in the 70s is now a political activists.

The big cabal though very smart must have used textbook techniques of the nation therefore underestimating the tenacity of the Nigerian people in this century, had the cabal done good by the people what would someone like Ibori after attending a prestigious university in Africa be doing as a security man in B&Q in the first place talkless of petty credit card crime not that he has a bad drug addict.

When the big "Goons" do corruption they do it in grand style like Halliburton, but when the copycat want to do it they do it Ibori-style by directly converting state treasury in their personal wealth leaving paper trail everywhere afterall now the big "Goons" are on their side, but the big goons shake their heads and say NO NO NADA NADIDA you do not do like that - point of correction we are never on anyones side, only others can be on OUR side never us in Theirs, but now who is to blame, is it Ibori the gangster or the big goons the MAFIA, now we can they would never let M.K.O become Presido, or like what IBB said recently about the youth not able to handle the mantle of leadership.

Ibori was not actually a founder of cabal but he choose to fly high and indeed he attained great heights within the polity within eight short years, there are many more others that are like him,before him or even worse.

One thing all cabals know is that nothing last for ever and nothing is ever flawless, and in the quest of achieving the right balance somewhere something somewhere else is tipped with awaiting consequences, like call it collateral damage or whatever but at break of dawn the cock shall surely crow!!

Prof.Wole Soyinka and others like him are truly worthy of emulation, while Ibori negates the goodwill of nation building. Change is always constant, the goons are turning us around but we have already turned the corner, they have arranged us that we would say NO to any form of new military rulership thereby creating a protective shield for them, but at the same time their almighty grip on the polity is becoming more and more gradually eroded,the people are aware and before you know they will become ordinary citizens again just as we allowed them to become powerful but maybe not as quickly.

Disclaimer: Names mentioned above are for illustrative purposes only and are not in any way conclusive of the good and evil people in our midst both past and present, the seeds knows themselves from the chaffs even though we are all placed in the same space called Nigeria, just as we know the likes of charlie who neglected the struggle and gave in to temptation.

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