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Right Honourable Dimeji Bankole, A Political Curse To Our Generation

May 20, 2010

Dear Editor: Season's greetings to all the seasoned crop of professional working at Sahara Reporters over there. Frankly speaking, I am an addicted reader of your web based news publications for quite a long time now. It is in the light of my valuation of your immeasurable contribution to the development of our fatherland via your unparalleled journalistic prowess of all time that I hereby say kudos and more grease to your elbow.

Dear Editor: Season's greetings to all the seasoned crop of professional working at Sahara Reporters over there. Frankly speaking, I am an addicted reader of your web based news publications for quite a long time now. It is in the light of my valuation of your immeasurable contribution to the development of our fatherland via your unparalleled journalistic prowess of all time that I hereby say kudos and more grease to your elbow.
It is not surprising to me if you should be wondering by now why Hon. Diemji Bankole and not other indecent political actors out there. The reasons are not far fetch, our Honorable speaker played an ignorable role in the heat of our recent political hiccup precipitated by the ill-health of our late president when he vehemently and stylishly oppose the declaration of Dr. Goodluck  Ebele Jonathan as acting president for selfish reasons.
Besides, just between last week and yesterday, our Honorable Speaker successful killed the electoral reform process by creating the enabling environment for the PDP dominated  House of Representatives to vote against the move to entrench two party system supported with independent candidacy. He did this by frustrating  and postponing the much published vote to decide on the issue last week and yesterday resulting to the excuse that some members of the house are not with their electronic voting card for making use of the electronic voting machine at the house complex and therefore resulting into voting by simple majority at the floor of the house. In view of his action above, the following questions beg for answers.
1. Is it logistical for a member of the house who is aware of the pending voting on this clause of the Electoral Act to come for sitting without this so called electronic voting card giving the significant of the exercise?
2. Is Bankole saying if we make him the chairman of INEC he will allow voting at the polling units without authentic voters present?
3. Is Bankole not promoting the interest of PDP over and above interest of the nation by his handling of this exercise?
4. Do we honestly think that there is need for our law makers to hold public hearings on issues before taking decisions again since whatever popular opinion the public offered does not count as it was in the case under consideration?
5. Does Bankole remember that he is a politician of  our generation and not of the older generations among whom personal interest supersede national interest?
Finally, it is on this note I challenge the crop of dogged fighters at the disposal of Sahara Reporters to take up the challenge of ensuring that Nigeria is returned to the much wanted two party system supported with independent candidacy and to investigate and compile Bankole's various anti-democratic and non-generational representation moves for record and prosperity.
Once more, thank you all.
Yours Sincerely,
Abuja, Nigeria.

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