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Jonathan Orders Wife Back From Lebanon

May 21, 2010
The new first lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan, received her first presidential order on Friday.  "Get back to Abuja immediately!" her husband, Goodluck Jonathan, told her soon after Saharareporters reported her controversial trip to Dubai and Lebanon.
She complied, and reportedly left Dubai  Friday night, barely 24 hours after she had left the city on the so-called “private visit.” Our sources said she arrived in Abuja on Saturday via Emirates Airlines.

Presidency officials had reluctantly maintained to Saharareporters that Mrs. Jonathan was on a “private visit” to Lebanon but our report exposed the trip as a gold-buying junket.

A tepid rejoinder written by her media assistant attempted to paint a picture of humility on the part of Mrs. Jonathan because she did not take the presidential on her trip, but it failed to douse public irritation about it.

The rejoinder also denied Mrs. Jonathan’s outstanding money-laundering cases.  “We want to state categorically that Mrs. Jonathan has no link whatsoever with the seized N104million and has no knowledge of any $13.5 million dollars. In fact there was never an incident of $13.5million dollars,” Media Assistant Ayo Adewuyi said.

In the clumsily-written statement, Mr. Adewuyi commented on "a case" on which investigation had been concluded, although even he referred to two known cases.  "Mrs. Jonathan was not found culpable, but the detractors continue to make a mountain out of a mole hill," he noted smugly. Saharareporters contacted EFCC spokerspoerson, Femi Babafemi, to provide details of the purported resolution of the case but he did not respond to our inquiries as at the time of filing this report.

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