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The Road To 2011: Songs To The Facebook/Twitter Army Of Nigeria

May 29, 2010

May 29, 2011. Dateline Nigeria. If you haven't checked, it's  less than 365 days away. Nigeria, the most abused name-space, of a country, yet our motherland,  lies comatose. Sonala Olumhense, one of the country's last journalist standing,  sees the country on Goodluck Jonathan life-support ( )

Image removed.May 29, 2011. Dateline Nigeria. If you haven't checked, it's  less than 365 days away. Nigeria, the most abused name-space, of a country, yet our motherland,  lies comatose. Sonala Olumhense, one of the country's last journalist standing,  sees the country on Goodluck Jonathan life-support ( )
The name-spaces'  problems have - like that of a terminally sick patient - been diagnosed, and over-analysed, for the past 40+ years.  The patient refuses to die, but the viruses continue to multiply.

Many of us now agree, another episode of the same, intermittent model of attack, from the PDP, would most probably transport the country into its final coffin. Fact is we are not sure.

What we do know is, for once, we - the Facebook / Twitter army of Nigeria -  appears to have been jolted of bystander-ism. The last attack! - and how devastating -  served hot from the Katsina-made plate of mallam Umaru Yaradua did that to us ... We can be proud!

Verse 2:
There is no shortage of brilliant men, real men, in, from, and within, Nigeria.

I know, I know, and I promise solemnly here, not to regurgitate what you already know in this song, but a characteristic introduction, like that, will make my English teachers proud...

People who are not conceived to loot nor crowned to run - fugitives of Ibori and his travelling wives association of loooto-mites -   in their DNA.

But there has been too many Obasanjos. Too many Iwus. Too many Tafa Baloguns. Too many Atiku. Too many Turai Yaradua and too. And too many too many Oshionmoles etc. etc. ad. infini-PDP -  who suffocate the best of intentions or aspirations - that which has been wasted and completely  buried within you and I.

For forty years and counting, they amassed billions, and more, of Pounds and Dollars, and they use it to dis-inform, deform, and deploy,  a most unfortunate class of people who aren't as lucky as yourself, for their four-yearly, four-yearly show of Insanity. stealing elections! Truncating dreams. They have perfected the art of DemoKrazy and patented it in Aso Rock, Abuja.

Verse 3:


Here comes 2010.

They are already strategising in their most prolific  of ways. A leopard's colour changes not!

That bastard in Minna, of International proportions, has already (mis)spoken of his vision to step-inside Aso-Rock in 2011. I know, I know, You and I think he is a dead-man- walking but he is not dead.

He has his close-knit range of footsoldiers, and I am happy to remind you that one of them - Olabode George is currently headquartered in KiriKiri - people who are ready to reinvent a 2011 PDP-styled election formula, to ensure his dubious will is done.

Verse 4:


The one who sent Mallam Yaradua - and I don't care where he rests,  on the fast-lane one-way trip to Saudi Arabia,

He, that is the father of modern Nigeria,

He that sees no poverty in Nigeria,

He, that organised the world's finest example of do-or-die elections,

I speak of no one other than the third-term merchant of Ota, is still visible. He has been reported to say things in respect of 2011. He probably has a winner in his heart already. I am sure most of you know better than to trust him, for a microsecond. Leave president Goodluck Jonathan to his own peril. Once PDP, always a PDP, and his luck might run out on even before the Dame returns from Lebanon...

Verse 5:


The bunch of atomic entertainers in those two godforsaken Houses in Abuja - they like to pretend to themselves they are are Honourable - cannot see the skies even if they were to fly in one of those Richard Branson's  new school Galactic jets. They are not for us. We can only continue to force them to fight.

Which leave us, yes, you and I , the facebook / twitter army to pull the mother of all stunts. On the road to 2011.

To rescue Nigeria from life support, In fact, to have any chance at all,  There can be only one objective: Take the battle of 2011 to the heart and minds of the other masses - the tyre vulcanizer in your local street, the motor-mechanic down the road, the bricklayers, the Vocal Slender(s) of Nigeria,  the kerosene-selling woman behind your campus, the security men of your house, those other Nigerians who are too willing to sell their very own soul, for the price of a bottle of Obasanjo-PDP-type-guilder beer, the molue driver: all those people who are not as enlightened as you. That they and only they, are the power that they seek.

In other words, all those citizens of the name-space  who are too boko-haramed, to belong to your twitter/facebook club although through no direct fault of theirs, will need to quit seeking deliverance in the Churches and Mosques. You, for what its worth  already know, information is power.

But these class of citizens don't. They will need to undergo your deliverance, so they might offer themselves their own deliverance  from within.


I am not clairvoyant, but make no mistake, if these class of citizens are not, or cannot, be motivated for the battle of 2011, to be fighting  on your side, we might overcome that grade A bastard in Minna, but we won't overcome the Obasanjo's fix-it-ing gang in the PDP.

One way or the other - and there is always the Supreme court, Justice Ogebe, and Nki Tobi,  route - they will prevail.


The time for preparation is yesterday. I mean that in the sense that we are running late.

And we will need cash. Lots of funds. And I don't mean that in the context of detainee James Ibori, say in a Rolex shop...


To win this battle, we will need to start putting our feet where out mouth, rather where our fingers are.

We will need to start pooling funds. It is not as hard as it seems. As Barrack Obama's washington-express ride revealed to us and the world, in the United states.

Here's my quick thinking proposition:

We need to setup a special bank account somewhere, anywhere.

Between now and December 2010, You and I would have to promise, actually swear,  to donate a minimum of $1(USA) and £1(UK) N100(NGR) into it every waking 24 hours.

You are wondering who manages it ? well, can be smart enough to choose a selection of Nigeria's realiest men standing  - they are no longer plenty, but I can nominate Wole Soyinka, Sonala Olumhense, Pius Adesanmi - are three that come readily to mind as Trustees for this fund.

To be clear, they will have the final say on how we spend the money, if and when we have to spend it.

One more thing, I do not know how soldiers we have on facebook and twitter. But I assure you we are in the thousands. I  will leave you to the arithmetic of how much money we will have to-fight, the PDP!- when the time to start shooting arrives.




The things that we can do with a fraction of such money.

1. It is the reality of life in Nigeria that gather together to talk, play and watch Football.

2. Many of us go to all sorts of church and mosque like a religion.

3. Our markets are melting pots for all of us.


We will recruit a special information distribution point ( at our markets, our football joints / Churches / Mosques and campuses )  in each state capital between now and 2011 - and instantiate a mechanism with which the kind, volume and quality of information we analyze and circulate hourly on facebook / twitter are mass-distributed for the other masses consumption;

We will make it so they know if they let the Obasanjo army - of monsters - in Nigeria win, in 2011, it will be their final death. Vampires don't stop until blood stop flowing...


We will then evolve the plan, or the rolling-strategy  to reach out to more, and more, and more and more of our citizens - and convert them, first from their minds, into a facebook/ twitter army.

And when the election finally arrives, I assure you we will not only destroy the riggers class in our midst, we will have their hands tied  and soaked in blood.

I will leave you with one of the most inspiring one-liners, from the epic thriller, The Shawhank Redemption : Get busy living, or get busy dying.


[email protected]

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