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Fox Sports Journalist Wrong On Nigeria - Refuses To Retract Offensive Report

May 30, 2010

Fox Sports journalist Jamie Trecker recently reviewed Nigeria's chances at the 2010 World Cup. In his zeal to provide context, Mr. Trecker wrote the following


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"Adding to the discord is the legacy of colonization and the North-South split in the nation along religious lines: Christians to the North, Muslims to the South. What passes for government in Nigeria is usually an uneasy balance between the two religions. However, since that government seems to exist only to leech off its populace and mineral wealth, it is predictably ineffective. War is a regular occurrence in Nigeria, and drug and arms smuggling have made it an almost-failed state."

The full article can be read here:

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I am in no way a Nigerian apologist, but Mr. Trecker made some blatantly wrong comments and I figured I would send him an email asking him to correct them. Here is our email exchange...

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I t is incumbent upon us to require that journalists state the facts and not sensationalize the situation in Nigeria. 

Feel free to email your complaints to Mr. Trecker at <[email protected]>


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