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PHOTONEWS: Remembering “June 12”

June 11, 2010

{joomplu:2250}{joomplu:2247}{joomplu:2253}{joomplu:2252}June 12 1993 is remembered as the date that Nigeria had the freest and fairest election in its turbulent political history. Mr. M.K.O Abiola of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) emerged as the decisive winner of that election. However, a military junta headed by then head of state, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (rtd.), annulled the election before the results could be formally announced. 

{joomplu:2250}{joomplu:2247}{joomplu:2253}{joomplu:2252}June 12 1993 is remembered as the date that Nigeria had the freest and fairest election in its turbulent political history. Mr. M.K.O Abiola of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) emerged as the decisive winner of that election. However, a military junta headed by then head of state, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (rtd.), annulled the election before the results could be formally announced. 
Mr. Babangida, whose campaign to become Nigeria’s president is near the point of total collapse, now claims that he would have been killed had he allowed the electoral wishes of Nigerians to prevail. In a hypocritical and desperate gesture, Mr. Babangida also stated recently that Mr. Abiola deserves to be immortalized.     Saharareporters presents fond pictorial memories of the June 12 era – showing the faces of some of the major actors: the victims and activists as well as the traitors and conmen.                

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