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The Eighth Seal

June 15, 2010
Image removed.And I saw the angel with the eighth seal who smiled and said to me: “Paul, because you have heeded the principles of your calling and named your church in Lagos, House on the Rock, as I instructed you to do when I lifted you out of the doldrums in the United States and returned you to Nigeria, it shall now be revealed unto you what fate the angel with the seventh seal has reserved for Nigeria. For that country has sinned and come short of the glory of God. And I asked of the angel in total humility and submission of the spirit: “pray, what ominous fate does the bearer of the seventh seal have for my country and how may I know and save The Chosen?”
And the angel with the eighth seal did amebo on the angel with the seventh seal. Thus it was revealed to me that the seventh seal had seven trumpets and seven bowls, all with contents destined for Nigeria because of the iniquities of that land. And it was given to me in spirit to listen to the sound of the trumpets and it was worse than the heinous buzz of the vuvuzelas of Chaka’s kraal. And the angel with the eighth seal ministered the meaning of the seven trumpets and seven bowls unto me.

And I was told that at the sound of the first trumpet, a mixture of hail and fire shall come over Nigeria such as the earth hath never witnessed before; at the second trumpet, all the mountains in Nigeria shall be hurled into the sea and a third of all living creatures shall die; at the third trumpet, a blazing star shall fall from the sky into the rivers Niger and Benue and the waters therefrom shall turn bitter; at the fourth trumpet, a third of the moon and the sun and the stars shall be struck and darkness shall come over the land; at the fifth trumpet shall begin the first real woe for the great Abyss shall open to let out smoke, locusts, snakes, and scorpions and they shall be given the power to bite and torture 140 million people but not kill them; at the sixth trumpet shall come the second woe for four angels shall lead an army of two hundred million on horses to invade your land. The heads of the horses shall resemble lions and out of their mouths shall come fire, smoke, and sulfur.”

And I asked about the bowls for great fear and trepidation came upon me. And I was told that the seventh trumpet, which is the third woe, shall also release the seven bowls. The content of each bowl shall be poured on the land of Nigeria. The content of each bowl was shown to me but they are too fearful to be named. They are worse than all the calamities and the pestilence of the trumpets as I have already revealed them. They come with tsunamis, peals of thunder, and earthquakes to be visited on Nigeria.
And I asked: who shall I save from this revelation? How shall I save them? How shall I know the sign? And the angel with the eighth seal said to me: “of all the thieves that are scattered over the face of the earth, the thieves in charge of your country have found favour with the most high one. They loot billions but they remember to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. They take a high percentage of their loot to the Lagos Ibadan expressway every sabbath day. The make God the alpha and omega of everything they do with and to Nigeria. And because they are God-fearing thieves, prosperity pastors have been called to their service that they may not worship in the company of the wretched of the earth. Those are the people that you shall save from the fury of the angel with the seventh seal. For it is written that unto those who have more shall be given. The little that belongs to the wretched of your country shall be taken from them and added unto the increase of the thieves.”

At this point I removed the sandals from my feet for I knew that I was in the presence of the Lord. And I asked the angel with the eighth seal: “how shall I make this rich and mighty people worship in comfort, away from the filth of wretched Nigerians?” And the angel said to me: “It was written in Nehemiah 2:20 that “the God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build.” Paul, my son, you and Ifeanyi must rise now and build a temple in Lekki of such luxury and splendour as has not been seen since the temple of Solomon. You must call it The Millenium Temple. The air conditioning at The Millennium Temple must be worth N410 million and you must buy it from China. People will behold the temple you shall build and every tongue shall confess that the lord is God.”

And I asked the angel: “where shall I house this people? Where shall they worship in luxury and comfort until the Temple is built?” And the angel said to me: “Paul, rise up now and rent the Eko Expo Centre at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. The luxurious hall goes for N8.5 million a day and you must rent it for a minimum of two days. There, your congregation shall worship and give praise unto the lord. After two days in Lagos, you shall charter planes and fly them all to New York and rent a Hall in the Waldorf Astoria. You and your congregation must remain in New York and worship at the Waldorf Astoria until you complete The Millenium Temple in Lekki.”
And I asked the angel: “only less than one per cent of the population of Nigeria fall within the stratospherically wealthy bracket of my clientele. What shall I tell the more than 140 million of them who are indigent and will complain about the assignment you have given me?” And the angel with the eighth seal said to me: “their complaint is already at hand. For tomorrow a newspaper called P.M News shall carry a screaming headline: “Church Shells Out N17m To Rent Hall”. The news that Pastor Paul Adefarasin and his wife spent seventeen million naira just to fellowship in luxury for two days will spread like a virus in cyber-Nigeria. From the Nigeria Village Square to Sahara Reporters, from Nairaland to Naijapolitics, there shall be cries of anguish and indignation from shocked Nigerians. They will abuse you and call you names for displaying such eye-popping ostentation in a land of bone-racking poverty. That is what they did to my anointed, Daddy G.O, when he bought his private jet.”

And I implored the angel with the eight seal to teach me how to respond to allegations of insensitivity. And the angel laughed and said: “Paul, my son, you shall say nothing. For when Nigeria’s army of poverty rose against my anointed for buying a private jet, Jehovah the God of Abraham and Moses raised the mighty pen of Dele Momodu to come to the defense of The Chosen One. And Dele Momodu wrote to remind Nigeria’s army of poverty that their brains are so dulled and corroded by poverty that a private jet bought with chicken feed, something that small boys in Hollywood play with, appears a big deal to them. Even so will I cause the same Dele Momodu to be distracted from his presidential campaign. And he shall rise and chastise Nigeria’s 140 million army of poverty for complaining that you spent ordinary seventeen million naira to rent a fellowship hall for two days. For it is written that heaven and earth shall pass away but not a word of the eighth seal as has now been revealed to you shall pass away”
And I woke up from my trance. Hello somebody!
Hi Pastor!
The good Lord is good!
All the time!

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