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2010 National Honour Award List! Why's Ibori's Name Not Included?

July 2, 2010

2010 National Honour Award List! Why's Ibori's Name Not Included?
Written By Sunday Njokede
The National Honour Award in Nigerian is the assemblage and advertisement of the rejects in our society and a showcase of the 'gangster's paradise' community, yonder. You get the same depressing sense of sickness every time you meet a pastor flying in private airplane while ghetto people and their children who pay his bills via offering, live in stark poverty. If you gather our National honour winners and pastors who spend the thrift of their congregations for self-serving interests, you get a perfect tribe of Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah people in Nigeria. I now pass the microphone to Dora Akuyili, the information minister as per re-branding the outcasts who have won the nation's award with runaway successes.
Our National Honour list became the one for nuisance value since when the Obasanjo political class stormed our political places in 1999 like the Pharaonic plagues. Since then the Honour List has become the yardstick by which conventional wisdom measures roguery, economic hit men and women, corruption heavies, profiteers, ratbags, playboys and playgirls. Hardly has decent people won our national award and when socio-centric people like Chinue Achebe win, they reject it because they're shamefaced to be categorized alongside their wayward peer winners who dotted the award lists since 1999.
Ibori. How'd president Jonathan Goodluck explain to history, and future generation of Nigerians that Ibori's name is missing from the National Honour list he claimed was compiled by late president Yar'Adua before he died? It's also no small wonder that Mike Aondokaa's name is more so, not on that list. Unthinkable! Our president seems to be raising the bar of deception as well as moving and shaking statecraft the Machiavellian way. He tells you everything he does is in the interest of Nigeria including: knocking-about with aimless abandon abroad, official human trafficking of Nigerians en masse to Canada and sundry places. His newest nationalist goodwill for Nigeria is the by-now National Honour list that is full of criminal Mafia and misbehaving thieving class. We should all kowtow on bended-knees Chinese-style and thank Jonathan Goodluck for the massive achievements he has recorded so far on our behalves since he took over statecraft.
I call it the National Horror List. It is an influence-peddling venture dressed up and misconstrued by Jonathan as national honour. He's under burning compulsion to settle and compromise our political lowlifers and sundry people to play 2011 presidential election ball to one side. The president has no scruples masturbating our statecraft for his personal self-aggrandisement of 2011 presidential election, to the detriment and shortchanging of other presidential candidates. As sure as egg is egg, Jonathan will vie for 2011 election. Forget about his rigmarole and political brinkmanship of false modesty of not knowing whether he'd vie. The same old-school delay tactics employed by ex-president Obasanjo to announce his interest in the eleventh-hour. That kind of pretension no longer cut ice with the Nigerian masses who are thankful to for opening their political eyes.
Late president Yar'Adua must be turning in his grave that the names of his frontline men were excluded from Jonathan's 2010 National Honour list. The deceased ruler should by now be cursing fire and brimstone to consume the present administration for the disservice of omitting his foxhole buddies from the list. 'Jonathan don fall Yar'Adua hand' like streetwise people from Delta and Edo would say to badmouth Mr. Jonathan for stabbing his late master on his back.
There's nothing that sits right with the 2010 National Honour list. James Ibori would no doubt, be in the front row of any honour list that'd have been handpicked by the late ruler friend of his. In addition to that, Mike Aondokaa would have been the chairperson to such committee picking. Whereby he'd have shamelessly apportioned the choicest titles to himself and ilk of Yar'Adua friends and hangers-on. Is either the list was not compiled by Yar'Adua or that Jonathan Goodluck removed Ibori and Mike Aondokaa's name therefrom. So the speculation by Jonathan's regime that the list was finalised by the late president is suspect, and does not hold water by any conventional standard.
Some federal matters that has K-leg or bad nowadays is credited to the Yar'Adua's era. After all, the churn writer David Hardly Chase once said that: The Dead Don't Bite. Jonathan seems to be a pretty good buck passer. His native, and wayo inclination msut've told him that Nigerians and people all over the world would quarrel and lampoon his National Honour list with acidic ruthlessness. Hence he has passed the buck of the 'National Horror' list to the late president. Who'd not envy in the negative, a honour list that has the name of EFCC chairwoman Farida Waziri? Former House of Representative's head-woman Patricia Etteh who was ousted due to corrupt sharp practices is also on the Honour list. Recently, Dora Akuyili, Jonathan's mouthpiece was reported to have claimed that certain government spending was hiked up by the deceased president. Yar'Adua is now this regime's fall man and punchbag.
How could Yar'Adua have included Otedola's name who it's reported, has been pencilled down to finance Jonathan's 2011 election but omitted James Ibori's name: his very close friend who financed his 2007 election that allowed Jonathan the leeway to Aso Rock? The 2010 list should be reworked to include Yar'Adua front-men, the usual way PDP people conduct themselves in their family business. Senator Omisore was in jail when he won election conducted in conventional Nigeria. So what's the heck about not including Ibori and Mike Aondokaa's names because one is now incarcerated abroad and the other, banned from entering the USA? Or is this selectiveness as a result, that both men peppered the hell out of Jonathan Goodluck when the late president's cabal held sway?
Normal and ordinary Nigerians would not care if more of the Farida Waziri and Patricia Etteh kind of PDP Nigerians are added to the Satanic verse of 2010 Honour list. The more wayward citizens make the list the better for the rest of us who have nothing to do with the gathering and recognition of corrupt sleazebags par excellence.
From Nigeria to Europe, America to Japan all over the world, Jonathan's award list would become an international laughing-stock. Politicians in Washington and the European Union will concluded after reading the list, that Jonathan Goodluck is the man for 'Disney Award of Showmanship.' Yes, our president deserves to be the joker of 2010 if those on the list are Jonathan's stand-up men and women. All the goodwill international community imposed on him shortly after inception must have evaporated after they read the caliber of those who made the list. In normal society, Jonathan awardees would be in jail. Most of his awardees are either wanted by EU and USA or have been declared persona non grata by First World countries. Farida Waziri is highly detested by the US authorities plus their European allies.
This administration's National Honour list played directly into the hand of Odumegu Ojukwu's Biafra 'war memo.' Where Ojuku warned leaders not to build monuments for themselves. It's misnomer that sitting officeholders would apportion monuments titles to themselves. But only in Nigeria. After Jonathan single-handedly bestowed upon himself the highest honour in the land, he now extends unmerited titles to president's men and women to pacify their hearts and bribe them for his 2011 election activity.
If 2010  National Honour awardees was chosen by late Yar'Adua, Ibori and Aondokaa would've clinched the topmost honour titles. And if they are not honorees, it means Jonathan must have doctored it, making it Jonathan's Honour List and not Yar'Adua's. And that is why most of Yar'Adua's best men who Jonathan dislikes refuse to make the list.
Sunday Njokede writes from The European Union
[email protected]

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