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Petition Against The Shortlisting Of Candidates For NOUN VC

July 10, 2010

Dear Madam Minister: I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the premeditated and deliberate exclusion of candidates by the National Open University of Nigeria from the short listing exercise based on ‘age” and ‘years of experience as professors!’

Dear Madam Minister: I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the premeditated and deliberate exclusion of candidates by the National Open University of Nigeria from the short listing exercise based on ‘age” and ‘years of experience as professors!’
According to the Nigeria Universities Commission template which was approved by the Honourable Minister of Education, the minimum requirement for a candidate seeking to occupy the office of a Vice Chancellor is 10 years post professorship experience. But this has not been adhered to by the NOUN Governing Council.  The retiring age for Vice Chancellor in Nigeria is 70 years, yet some candidates were disqualified based on age!
The question is, why would NOUN choose to ignore the short listing of candidates template as is set by the Honourable Minister for Education?  This is purely an act of insubordination. Was there no National Universities Commision representative present at that exercise?

It is strange that NOUN and its Governing Council would mock and seek to manipulate the entire process of selection of a Vice Chancellor.  This may be to favour Prof. Vincent Tenebe who is a candidate is being touted and fronted by Prof. Olugbemiro Jedgede, the outgoing Vice Chancellor.

This  is a clear indicator that those in charge at NOUN intend to eliminate eligible and legitimate candidates. Now is the time for the Honourable Minister to act and put a halt to the schemes of those who would manipulate and drag the entire process into a deadly quagmire. These people must be called to order and their plots arrested.

More worrisome is the fact this creates the impression that the Council’s powers supersede that of the Hon.Minister for Education!  I, therefore seek your help and intervention, Madam Minister, to use your good offices to look into the of mode of selection of Vice Chancellor at NOUN and consider all measures available to rectify this anomaly.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Prof. Jonas  Adetiba
3 Lugard Avenue,
Off Osborne Road,
Ikoyi, Lagos

Prof. (Mrs.) Ruqayyatu Ahmad Rufai
Honourable Minister for Education

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