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The Assassination Of President Lucky Jonathan And The South South Revolution: The Year 5010 (part 1)

August 12, 2010

Warning: 1) This work has nothing to do with the present day Nigeria, neither are the characters , people nor anything regarding the present day Nigeria State included in the work. This work is about the future elections in Nigeria in the year 5010 not 2010.

Warning: 1) This work has nothing to do with the present day Nigeria, neither are the characters , people nor anything regarding the present day Nigeria State included in the work. This work is about the future elections in Nigeria in the year 5010 not 2010.

2) The President named in this work could alter this event by electing to name a very wise man to counter the acts of these evil men named in this work.

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The late Sir Arthur C. Clarke , a distinguished scientist and a person regarded to have the secret knowledge of some occult once wrote in his three celebrated laws(Mr. Agu does not believe in the occult. Please keep these laws in mind as we sojourn into the future 5000 AD  or 3000 years ahead of our current day age):-

1. When a distinguished but elderly philosopher (Mr. Agu in this case) states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is probably wrong.

2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

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3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Boarding two different Airplanes from Tel-Aviv- Israel, are the members of the dreaded secret society inside the Jewish Mossad called Kidon. Whenever the Kidon flies out of Tel Aviv, then somebody/some people are destined to die. The two agents are only known with the codes 666 for the female agent and 007 for the male agent. These two agents are on a mission that will eventually lead them inside Nigeria. But the million dollar question is, how come they are flying with two different Airplanes to Nigeria?

Agent 666 has a powerful gas, the kind that was used to kill Moshood Abiola some three thousand years back in Nigeria and agent 007 has a powerful antidote to this gas. According to the rules of the Jewish Intelligence both must not fly on same Airplane so as to avoid the possibility of an enemy to capture both the poison and the antidote. We shall talk on this later.

The agent 666 landed in Benin Republic with his gas poison while agent 007 landed in Niger Republic with the antidote. Waiting at the two different Airports were Federal Government of Nigeria Cars marked with the numbers “diplomat”. These two agents will eventually be ferried into Nigeria in a new state carved out of the present day Lagos State called Awo State. Awo State is in reference to the great Yoruba leader, who is also perceived as the greatest tribalist in Nigeria, Awolowo. The significance of Awo State is that new Lagos is exclusively for the Yorubas and it covers part of Ikeja through Lagos Island.

These two agents will later meet a certain retired General of Nigerian Army who is also in charge of the National Security. The name of the General is Uyila Uasug (If you read the name backwards then that is your own wahala).

General Uyila Uasug is working for a powerful billionaire Hausa Fulani former president who lost re-elections 8 years ago and is popularly called BBI( If you read the name backward then that is your own wahala again). The Israeli government does not know the purpose of the gas that they are taking to Nigeria. They elected to do it because through some intelligent Channels , Nigeria has  promised free 30 million barrels of  crude oil to Israel in the next 20 years for the poisonous gas. Saudi Arabia and co will not sell Oil to Israel at the time.

By the way this is happening in the year 5010 ahead of 5011 elections not 2010/11. Mr. Jonathan has already declared for intentions to run in a Party that was called the Peoples’ Demonic Party or PDP. The name of the party was given to it deliberately to portray its arrogance and disobedience to the almighty will of Allah. The party was a reincarnation of the Nazi Party but now in an African soil. The logo of the party is to suppress the Nigerian masses.

Meanwhile BBI fearing that he would lose election elected to connive with his old friend Uyila Uasug to get this gas and antidote from Israel. BBI is known in the whole Nigeria as the most wise and the most rich Nigerian ever. The question of how he got his wealth was as legendary as the death of Moshood Abiola some 3000 years back.

BBI and Uyila Uasug called a meeting with the Nigerian President whose name incidentally was Lucky Jonathan. The meeting was schedule the next day. A former Nigerian and a powerful Yoruba leader by the name of Uncle Wise Obefengo,  earlier on persuaded BBI to step down for Jonathan, so as to enable the Peoples’ Demonic Party not to struggle at the 5011 polls. The rule of this meeting is that no person would accompany Jonathan to the meeting with BBI except his National Security Adviser- Uyila Uasug.

The meeting was to be held at the office of the National Security Adviser of President Jonathan. 

Meanwhile the Jewish agents secretly released the gas in the office of the National Security Agent ten minutes before Uyila Uasug, BBI and Jonathan entered the office for the meeting. BBI and Uyila Uasug had the antidote of this poisonous gas injected in their blood stream by agent 666 who also was a well trained Harvard medical doctor. Jonathan was unaware of any plot and does not have the antidote. During the meeting, BBI told President Jonathan that he sees him as his younger brother and that he will withdraw from the election because of his love for him. Jonathan was ecstatic while dancing the Ijaw war dance over and over again. To show his appreciations , President Jonathan awarded two Oil blocks and another Oil block to BBI and Uyila Uasug respectively. Each oil block is estimated to worth $2.3 Billion USD.  BBI announced to Nigerians that he will be resigning from politics. The whole Southwest, South South received the news with wild jubilations. While Igbos in the Southeast kept quiet. 

President Lucky Jonathan was eventually pronounced dead three days after BBI had meetings with him and also withdrew from the Presidential race. This was on December 13,  5010 ahead of the Presidential primary of the Peoples’ Demonic Party. 

Leading the pack to console the former first lady Mrs. Jonathan were Mrs. Mariam Achaba, Alhaja Toto Iaruda and Mrs Aiyi Irunsi. The office of NSA announced to the uneducated Nigerians that the Vice President Mr. Obmas and a former Hausa Fulani vice president plotted and killed President Jonathan. The State Security Services arrested the current and former Vice President and imprisoned them. The senate president was impeached and a crony of BBI elected as a new senate president that will conduct a future elections. The senate president was impeached 24 hours after Jonathan was murdered while the Vice president will be arrested three days later for palace coup. If the VP was arrested immediately after the death of the president then the senate president automatically gets the presidency. So the chess game was very precise.

Meanwhile the INEC Chairman , one Prof Agej was in the far away Saudi Arabia to do his religious obligations of Lesser Hajj. He was Kidnapped by two knife wielding Arabians. These Arabians will eventually take the Nigeria INEC chairman to a secret locations where he met with a powerful religious figure and a member of the Saudi royal family. The message to Prof Egaj was clear, it is the wish of Allah to put BBI into Nigerian Aso Rock. Fearing for his safety, Prof Egaj agreed to do what they said. The only bait was that his sons will not be allowed to return to Nigeria up on till after election.

 Back home in Nigeria, a powerful delegation was sent by the emirs/obas/igwes to go beg BBI to return from political retirement as the nation needed him most at this delicate period and transition.

 After initially rejecting the overtures, BBI will eventually become the Presidential flag bearer of Peoples Demonic Party.

A Nigerian minister of information would start announcing at this time that the only cabal that killed Jonathan are in detentions.

The South South Revolution:

The Ijaw People were as confused as the whole nation. A respected Ijaw leader with the name Edvin Clakings could not believe his eyes, ears. He was just like a castrated bull. The Ijaw militants would declare war on the Federal Republic of Nigeria. All the rich Nigerians would start leaving for UK and USA. Former Nigerian EFCC boss one Alhaji R. Uhun flew to USA to testify before the US congress on the state of Nigerian nation.

Meanwhile the USA ordered all their citizens to leave Nigeria. The State Department had earlier stated that Nigeria will dis-integrate before 5015 and this is just 5010.

In the North, the radical elements would start killing Igbo traders thereby compounding the already tensed atmosphere. In Aba, Enugu,Owerri, Ebonyi and a new Igbo State called Adada, the Igbos will start killing the Hausa Fulani. 

The South boycotted the 5011 presidential election while the North voted en mass for BB1. Some decent Northern Politicians refused to participate. BB1 will be elected on the watch of Prof. Agej.

BBI would summon the arrest of Ijaw/Igbo/Yoruba leaders at mid night. These leaders were to be dressed with only their top clothes while they announce to the nation a script from BBI with soldiers laying low and putting revolvers inside their different ass(es). Their chest upwards were to be shown on the TV. The announcement was simple, support BBI and avoid violence. The Ohaneze ndi Igbo members were given $200,000USD each and they declared their support for BBI. But MASSOB will align with the South South. Unknown to BBI, the MASSOB is the people of the South East.

Whereas the Afenifere will play the famous Awolowo script, “if South South either by omission or commission secedes from Nigeria. Then Yoruba will join suit.” This was in January of 5011. 

Some Igbo/Ijaw elements would  meet with a USA president Bambam, promising the entire Oil in the region to the supervision of USA government. BBI would counter by promising Russia/China/North Korea half of the entire oil in the gulf of Guinea.

The Russian, Chinese fleets would start travelling across the Atlantic to Nigeria. Whereas the USS George Washington and other carriers would start leaving for Nigeria the same month.

Here comes the mother of all wars. On hearing the news, many Nigerians would start to defect to Cameroon, Niger Republic and Benin Republic.

The question on the lips of many, how can a man supposedly with the name of “Luck” brings “bad luck” to the nation?

I will tell you more about this next week here at Saharareporters. To be continued next week.





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