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Islamic View On The Fasting Of Ramadan

August 14, 2010




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Some days back, Muslims worldwide stated the fasting of the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth (9th) month of the Islamic calendar. It is in this very month that Muslims fast every year, because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. . Fasting was instituted in the second year after Hijrah, migration of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) FROM Makkah to Madinah. Fasting is called Sawm or Siyam in Arabic.  Sawm or Siyam, literally, means or abstinence. Technically, if means abstaining from everything that may invalidate ones fasting from the second dawn (true dawn) till sunset, with the sole intention of showing submission to God’s command.

The Muslims unanimously agree that fasting during the month of Ramadan is obligatory. The basis for this the word of Allah “O you who believe, fasting is ordained for you, as it was ordered for those before you, so that you might remain conscious of Allah (Q2:83).  Also, so the sunnah of the Holy messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) we have this narration “Islam was built upon five 5 pillars... and on fasting during Ramandan”. (Al-Bukhari).

Fasting has some merits and they are many and great. Some of them as related in the authentic Hadiths (sayings) of the holy Prophet (PBUH) there are:  Ramadan fasting is equivalent to ten months fasting (Ahmad 5:280). Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith (Iman) and ihtisab (hope in divine recompensed all his previous sins will be forgiven (Al-Bukhari).  Whoever fasts for a day in the path of Allah, Allah will keep him away from hell fire for a distance of seventy (70) years (Muslims 2:508). The prayer of a fasting person is not rejected (Al-Bukhari 3:343). Fasting is a shield and a strong protection from the hell fire (Ahmad 2:174).

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The prophet (P.B.U.H) said whoever fast for a day, for the sake of Allah and dies while doing that, will surely be admitted into the paradise (Ahmad 5:391). Allah has chosen fasting for himself among all that good deeds of men and he alone will reward it by multiplying the reward of the fasting person in manifold. (Al-Bukhari).  Fasting will intercede for a worshipper on the day of resurrection saying; My Lord I prevented him from his food and physical desires during the day, let me intercede for him (Ahmad 2:402).  Allah chooses people to free at every ifttar (Al-Bukhari).

There is a gate in paradise which is called as As-Rayyan through which fasting people will enter and nobody except them will be allowed entrance. After they have all entered, it will closed so that nobody will be able to enter again” (Al-Bukhari). This is about fasting generally. The merits of Ramandan are even more. This because:  It is one of the pillars of Islam and it was in the month of Ramadan that the Glorious Quran was revealed. When Ramadan comes, the gates of paradise are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils (shaytans) are clained (Al-Bukhari).

Some important things to note: The Apostle of Allah (S.A.W) appeared to be faster than the wind in acts of charity and benevolence (Al-Bukhar/Muslims) . He the prophet says, alms giving (charity) extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire (Nawawi 29). Whenever The prophet (P.B.U.H) breaks his fast, he would say “ Thirst is gone, vein are moistened nd the reward is certain, God willing “,  (Abu-Dawud 2: 760, Darul Qutri 2: 185).

Avoid indecent bahaviours. Says the prophet (S.A.W) “When one of you keeps a fast, he should not utter a  filthy or indecent word either,  fight or quarrels (Al-Bukhari).  A Muslims should engage himself in doing good things like Quranic recitation, Nawafi, Tasbih etc.  The prophet (P.B.U.H.) breaks his fast before he prays with either ripe dates if any, dried ones of if there were none he would have a few sips of water (Tirmidhi 3/79)  Eat sahur, early morning, for it there is propitiousness “(Al-Bukhari).

LAYLATUL QUDR. Laylatul Qadr simply means “the night of power or night of decree” it is the might where the Holy Quran was revealed. “The night of power is one of the nights of Ramadan” it is a night of great wonders and blessings which the Almighty God described as better than one thousand (1000) months Q97: 1-5. This means that the reward of devotion during this night is better than the reward to be expected for devotion in one thousand months that is equivalent to eighty three (83) years and four (4) months which do not included the night.  

Hadiths of the holy prophet (S.A.W.) stated “search for the night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan i.e. (21, 23, 25, 27, &29) Sahih – Al-Bukhar Vol. 3 Hadith No. 234.  Ibn Hanbal reported that Ibn Umar had related a Hadith in which the prophet (P.B.U.H.) said “whoever seeks the nights when the night let him sekk it on 27th”.  It is mentions during the night when the night of power is sought, to spend the time in prayer, Quranic recitation and asking God’s forgiveness. The prophet (P.B.U.H) said “He, who spends the night of power in prayer in full faith, shall have all his previous sins and guilt forgiven”.  Aisha said, “I asked the Holy prophet (S.A.W) what to say during that night on the assumption that I knew it was the night”. The prophet (P.B.U.H.) told me to say “Lord you love forgiveness so forgive me”.

ITIKAF (Seclusion)

Itikaf (Seclusion) is recommended at any time of the year, especially during the month of “Ramadan. Seclusion is the stay in the mosque to devote oneself to the worship of God for not more than ten days and not less then twenty four (24hours). The worshipper on Itikaf should devote himself to worship of God such as prayers and recitation of the Holy quran.  

ZAKATUL – FITR  Zakatul – fitr is the type of zakat (alms) that is given before/after the completion of the Ramadan fast. zakatul fitr is given two days towards the end of Ramadan up to the early morning hours before the Eid-prayers. It is given to the poor and needy to make them happy and celebrate the Eid-El-Fitr with the other Muslims Q2: 177, 261-262, 270, 274, 274, Q57: 11, Q64: 15-17, Hadith No. 29 An-Nawawi Collection.

Oh Allah spares our lives to witness more these month and make us among those that would fasts the whole months with strong mind and clean intention. Oh Allah I ask refuge in you against difficulties, calamities, trouble, oppressions and the reticule of enemies.  Oh Allah grants us soundness of belief, goodness of character, forgives of sins and your internal pleasure in the hereafter.  Oh God we ask you for your love and the love of those who loved you and or the love of every action which will bring us closer to your love.  Oh Allah strengthens our faith, expand our living space and bless us in our livelihood. Oh Allah, ask of your integrity and soundness in my religion, my life, my family and my possessions. May God Free us from the burden of sin, purify our hearts, set right our affairs, forgive our mistakes, accept our good deeds and bestow on us high class of paradise.  May the peace and bless of Allah be upon noble Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

For more details contact our scholars Wallahu a’lam  (God knows better)

Adam Muh’d Usman

Kafin-Hausa, Jigawa-State



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