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Mrs. Jonathan And The Okrika Smackdown

One cannot but wonder what Mrs Jonathan had in mind when she put up that show of shame in Okrika. Her public misconduct is one of the reasons a lot of Nigerians have advocated for the containment of these official wives who do not know the extent of decent boundaries.

One cannot but wonder what Mrs Jonathan had in mind when she put up that show of shame in Okrika. Her public misconduct is one of the reasons a lot of Nigerians have advocated for the containment of these official wives who do not know the extent of decent boundaries.

  There is absolutely no excuse in the world for this woman to upbraid the governor in public as she did. The fact that she went ahead to admit to partisanship because she is a native born okrika woman does not speak well of her. I do hope the husband will just ground her for good since she has no official or constitutional role in the governance of Nigeria anyway.
What does this woman know about governance? why in this world will any woman occupying such high office lose her decorum in public to go as far as snatching the microphone from whoever held it to pour scorn on the governor. I hope she is aware of the fact that the governor of Rivers state or any state for that matter  is not answerable to her.   Madam needs to comport herself in public when she is still the first lady of Nigeria. Her show of shame in Rivers state placed her squarely in the midst of market women and their mammie wagons.
Frankly, she needs more lessons in finesse and public comportment. No one cares if she is from Okrika or Mars. If she inserts herself in the middle of the local political rivalry in Rivers state, has she thought of the consequences for her husband. She treated both the governor and Rivers state as if they belong to her. Mrs Jonathan is a  self absorbed woman whose conduct was disparaging and dismissive of the future of the education of the children of Okrika.  Even if she had anything to say about the program of the governor, a decent person with an iota of finesse would have said it to the governor privately. Not our madam. She needed to show she is a capable of making Jerry Springer look tame.  As said earlier, if the president does not call her out for this misconduct, it will simply send a signal to other wives that it is acceptable to treat elected officials like dirt.
It was only recently that we heard that Yeye Daniel invaded the house of someone who allegedly wronged her to have a smack  down with him. I wonder if these women ever gave a thought to the fact that the wives of their victims may just respond in kind or that even worse, the men may just choose to impose the discipline their  weak husbands are unable to enforce at home. Mrs Jonathan's conduct in Okrika made Jerry Springer look like a choir boy. She needs to contain her over bearing sense of self and ego, an ego wrapped in undeserved sense of  entitlement. I wonder how this woman runs her house. If the president has a semi wrestler as a wife and he is unable to tame her, then he too is not fit to be the president of Nigeria.
Once upon a time, we all felt sorry for  President Jonathan and his inappropriately named wife Patience for the contempt showed to them by  Turai Yardua at the peak of the charade over the late president's illness. In retrospect, this woman is even worse than Turai Yardua. Let us just hope she does not fly of the handle and display her Okrika rough edges to a visiting foreign dignitary. She needs to be sent back for more education on the protocols of public conduct. Otherwise, the next time we hear about her, we may all just be witnesses to a smack down with whoever provokes the Okrika lioness.

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