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Dateline 2011: Dark Clouds Over Nigeria

I read with a great pleasure the analysis made by a gentleman, SOC Okenwa on the “medical situation of Nigeria” and he could not have given me a better Thanksgiving gift. Thank you sir. I will take his analysis further since he framed it medically and I am a medical staff.

I read with a great pleasure the analysis made by a gentleman, SOC Okenwa on the “medical situation of Nigeria” and he could not have given me a better Thanksgiving gift. Thank you sir. I will take his analysis further since he framed it medically and I am a medical staff.

Of course what we waited for, the baby that we awaited its birth as midwifed by the Ciroma committee of wise men? was given to us in the form of Atiku Abubakar.  We shall do a well and incontrovertible medical analysis of this masquerade when the time comes. However, one thing I will say now is that his nomination by the Ciroma cabal is a game changer. Never mind the mealy mouthed reaction from the Jonathan group, it is game changer. Not only for Jonathan, but for the PDP and for Nigeria by extension. One thing is clear; all the gladiators have since gone back to the drawing board. I am sure in the inner circles of the Jonathan team; they know this is indeed a game changer. Nigeria is once again on a cliffhanger and may God help the majority who do not have any business with the evil machine named the PDP.
Who can forget the mauling spree between the Turaki and his then principal Olusegun Obasanjo? The Atiku come back this week has upended the scheming in the Jonathan camp. So, all we need to do is to sit back and watch a sequel to the mauling spree of 2006-2007. There will follow soon, a festival of seamy and unsavoury disclosures. After all both men are bound together by negative impulses. While Obasanjo is a man incapable of humility and self-searching candour, Atiku is a man possessed of elephantine memory of grievances and capacity for vengeance and vindictiveness. Never mind the family affair mantra preached by the PDP. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Therefore all voyeurs of the macabre and the gory can be sure they will have incredible salacious information about both teams. Hollywood and Nollywood combined will not hold a candle to what is about to unfold.
There is no need to x-ray the discarded 3 especially IBB. He has been discarded and confined to the trashcan of history and we hope he will stay there and stop disturbing the peace of Nigeria and Nigerians. Until he is man enough to respond to the Okigbo report, until he confesses to the reasons for violating the wish of Nigerians in 1993, he should please stay in his house and spend all the money he creamed from our collective purse.
The race is now between the good the bad and the plain untrustworthy. However what Nigeria and Nigerians need at this period is a man who will bull doze away all that is standing in the way of our greatness. We need a man/woman who will be the rallying point for us towards greatness. Such man/woman does not exist in the PDP and am sorry that even my own kinsman Jonathan is living in the den of robbers. He is cohabiting with the jailers of our souls.
The race for the future is on. Unfortunately, Nigeria is trapped in the throes of mediocrity, nepotism and useless value. Values imposed on us by useless leaders whose natural habitat is the PDP and some in the opposition. Leaders with rap sheet that make the mafia blush. These leaders abound in the PDP, a totally dysfunctional party with flawed values. The progressives have one more chance to take Nigeria back from these vultures. You do not need to be a card-carrying member of the opposition to be regarded as a progressive. All lovers of Nigeria, all Nigerians with the presence of mind to appreciate that Nigeria is at the edge of an abyss, those who wish Nigeria well must all come together to defeat the PDP by all means and any means possible.
We do not have the luxury of time as it is. We are facing a well oiled and totally ruthless demonic organization masquerading as a political party. We made the same mistake in 1999, 2003, and 2007. This is our last chance. It is fight for our future, the future of our children, and the fight for generations unborn. We cannot remain on the sidelines any more. As for those who pretend or assume they are progressives but possess regional mentality, I will suggest to them to read the constitution of Nigeria. It is only when we have control of the center that we can negotiate what binds us together or otherwise. Anything to the contrary is sheer delusion.
We need leaders who can tap into our collective energy, our integrity and hard work. Leaders who will return us to our moral compass that hard work earn good rewards. Not a leader who will take us through more self inflicted economic crisis. It is not the PDP that will take us to the Promised Land. We need a political Moses who will part the red sea for us just as Lee Kwan Yew did in Singapore; we need a Joshua who will demolish the walls standing between the Promised Land and us. We no longer need the PDP and all those reactionaries hibernating in other parties. We need someone with the moral rectitude to say enough of the drift Nigeria has been put through since 1999. Nigeria is sailing towards an iceberg, we only hope we will not become another Titanic.
As we give thanks in countries where we are exiled, we need to work towards snatching the future of our children, our own future from the hands of the PDP. If we fail this time around, then we are doomed. What we regard as crisis today will pale into insignificance compared to what we will face post 2011. . Once we thought the Good luck Jonathan government will make a difference on account of his education, and lessons learnt from the trauma of the Yardua drama. . Unfortunately, I have concluded that the man is more interested in making Obasanjo a co president of Nigeria than correcting the ills of our country. He is more interested in self-preservation. He is more interested in maintaining the status quo than correcting the ills of our society.  A once promising possibility is now lingering between the critical list and the terminal.
My fellow Nigerians, change is possible. Change is painful, and will require sacrifice and painful choices, but it is not impossible. The forces of the status quo as in PDP will attempt to sabotage change, they will want to continue with business as usual, but if we hit that iceberg, Nigeria will never recover from it. Just as I said, we need and we must defeat the PDP.
In the interim, we are eagerly looking forward to the sequel of the Obasanjo/Atiku slugfest.

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