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Analyzing Rigging Perpetrated At The Governorship Elections

May 8, 2011

Looking at the governorship elections both during 2006 and 2011, it is the PDP that has been involved in unprecedented rigging. It is also the PDP that has lost state governments at both election years; though more are still going to be through the 2011 Election Tribunals just as was through the 2006 Tibunals. 

Looking at the governorship elections both during 2006 and 2011, it is the PDP that has been involved in unprecedented rigging. It is also the PDP that has lost state governments at both election years; though more are still going to be through the 2011 Election Tribunals just as was through the 2006 Tibunals. 

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The rigging which PDP has been involved since the 2006 include what led to the upturn of stolen governorship seats in Edo, Ekiti, Ondo, and Osun states; all went back to ACN except for Ondo that went to Labour Party. More PDP state-controlled governments had their 2006 elections repeated after considering that the elections were rigged. The states in this category are Sokoto, Bayelsa, Kogi, Cross River, Adamawa, and Delta. The fact that those re-runs went back to PDP did not mean to say that they were won PDP based on free, fair and transparent manner but suspected rigging as one or two of them are still in court.

There were also states that PDP stole through the back-doors. This refers to those governors that won elections on the platform of other parties only to move back to PDP through one form of inducement or the other. The states in this category are Bauchi, Nasarawa, Imo, Abia and Kebbi states.

PDP therefore is the only party that had some of their 2006 wins through rigging; just as they are the only party that in the 2006 stole through the back-doors wins achieved through other parties’ political platforms.

But nemesis seems to have started catching up with the PDP when it glaringly lost the 2011 governorship elections in Ogun, Oyo, Nasarawa and Imo. There are more that PDP is bound to lose but those may come through Election Tribunals as was during the 2006; especially where there were clear cases of rigging. The likely states in this category (against PDP) are Akwa Ibom, Benue, Bauchi, Katsina, Kaduna and Kwara States.  Yet there are shaky situation for PDP as some more states might be lost when it would be time for governorship elections postponed for between 2012 and 2013; involve Adamawa, Bayelsa, Sokoto, Kogi and Cross River States; PDP is not sure of winning all of those back.

Alhaji Mutum Bello, Bello Close, Bukuru-Jos


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