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CPC Worried About Fire Incident In Jega’s Office

The office of General Muhammadu Buhari has expressed worry about the coincidence between the fire today in the office of the Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and the granting on the same day by the Justice Ayo Salami Tribunal of the request of the Congress for Progressive  Change (CPC) for a forensic examination of the ballot papers used for the April 16 presidential polls.

The office of General Muhammadu Buhari has expressed worry about the coincidence between the fire today in the office of the Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and the granting on the same day by the Justice Ayo Salami Tribunal of the request of the Congress for Progressive  Change (CPC) for a forensic examination of the ballot papers used for the April 16 presidential polls.

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In a statement, Yinka Odumakin, spokesman for General Buhari, called on INEC to take precautions “to prevent a recurrence of such unsettling development at this crucial period and at all times.”

He also urged the Commission to ensure the safe keeping of all the materials used for the elections.

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