Saharareporters has confirmed that Alex Ibru, the publisher and majority owner of the Guardian newspaper group is dead.
Saharareporters has confirmed that Alex Ibru, the publisher and majority owner of the Guardian newspaper group is dead.
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One source told our correspondent that Mr. Ibru died today in Lagos after a prolonged period of illness.
Alex Ibru came from the famed Ibru family, one of Nigeria most well-known business families.
Mr. Ibru, who once served as the minister of internal affairs under the regime of former General Sani Abacha, was once seriously injured in what was widely seen as an attempt by the regime to assassinate him.
Mr. Abacha's former CSO, Hamza al Mustapha, is standing trial on charges that includes ordering the attack on Mr. Ibru.
Abacha reportedly ordered his killing as a reprisal against the Guardian's perceived opposition to the regime.
Mr. Ibru, who was shot in the face, lost the use of one eye.
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