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Re – Babatunde Raji Fashola: Before Night Falls

The columnist has brought on to the public court an issue of great relevance to LEADERSHIP and GOVERNANCE in Nigeria – PUBLIC POLICIES DEVOID OF HUMANITY. His three observations of Gov. Fashola’s policy thrusts: Tokunbo Rail Wagons from Canada, LASU Fee Imbroglio and the Lekki Road Toll, are symptomatic of the reasoning and mindsets of our so-called few “good leaders”. Most of them often naively array themselves with the garbs of personal arrogance, superiority complex and individual belief that by virtue of their occupation of public offices, their opinions are more rational than others’, and that they are also more Nigerian than the common men on the streets especially in decisions that affect the general welfare of Nigerians.

The columnist has brought on to the public court an issue of great relevance to LEADERSHIP and GOVERNANCE in Nigeria – PUBLIC POLICIES DEVOID OF HUMANITY. His three observations of Gov. Fashola’s policy thrusts: Tokunbo Rail Wagons from Canada, LASU Fee Imbroglio and the Lekki Road Toll, are symptomatic of the reasoning and mindsets of our so-called few “good leaders”. Most of them often naively array themselves with the garbs of personal arrogance, superiority complex and individual belief that by virtue of their occupation of public offices, their opinions are more rational than others’, and that they are also more Nigerian than the common men on the streets especially in decisions that affect the general welfare of Nigerians.


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Instead they appeal to mundane factors like economic statistics to justify their inhuman treatment of their fellow citizens. Albeit what understanding does a public official being fed from the public purse, has about the challenges faced by the common man living on less than $2 per day.
Public policies, like the current “Withdrawal of Fuel Subsidy” are not ends by themselves, but supposedly means of putting ‘SMILES’ on the faces of people. In economics, rationality of economic agents is often assumed, and by extension if rational Nigerians from all strata (save public officials and their cronies) are passionately critical of a proposed policy, it behoves on the leader to know that s/he is totally disconnected with the desires and aspirations of the people. He must capitulate because failure to do so might be disastrous. Wisdom makes one to know when to attack or retreat in challenging situations. In similar vein, the BOLDNESS of a leader is not determined by working against the interests of your people or facing their wrath, but in confronting the challenges facing them – CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES! It is this monster that has stifled the manifestation of the glory of NIGERIA – the SLEEPING PRIDE OF THE BLACK RACE. It is common knowledge that the present leadership are apathetic to this yearning of Nigerians for JUSTICE to be meted out to the CORRUPT PEOPLE to serve as deterrent to others with similar motivations.

As an academic plying my trade in Europe, Fashola’s ingenious justification of the astronomical hike in LASU fees was the most disheartening to me, principally because indigent students are being systematically priced out from access to university education and noble attainments. If places or positions are traded, I wonder how our present crop of leaders would react if they are at the receiving ends of draconian policies. Quite frankly, I know that personally I would never have attained my current position if I have been priced out from attending public institutions from the primary to the university in those days.

I suggest we call on the likes of Soyinka, Achebe, Sagay, Utomi, Oba of Lagos to appeal to Gov. Fashola not to dance naked in the public!!

Olusegun A. Oyediran, PhD
Depto. de Analisis Economico y Finanzas
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Albacete, Spain
[email protected]

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