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Occupy Nigeria: Protest By Muslim Coalition Against Bad Governance In Nigeria

January 12, 2012

Report Of Muslim Coalition Against Bad Governance In Nigeria

On January 1, 2012, the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA), an agency of government removed the contentious fuel subsidy in Nigeria without adequate consultation with relevant stakeholders in Nigerians. This heartless decision imposed serious economic hardship on Nigerians. Consequently, the advocacy groups under the aegis of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Save Nigeria Group and other groups demanded immediate reversal of the inhuman decision. The Muslims organisations met and agreed to lend their voices to the national issues beyond rhetoric and issuance of press releases.


Report Of Muslim Coalition Against Bad Governance In Nigeria

On January 1, 2012, the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA), an agency of government removed the contentious fuel subsidy in Nigeria without adequate consultation with relevant stakeholders in Nigerians. This heartless decision imposed serious economic hardship on Nigerians. Consequently, the advocacy groups under the aegis of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Save Nigeria Group and other groups demanded immediate reversal of the inhuman decision. The Muslims organisations met and agreed to lend their voices to the national issues beyond rhetoric and issuance of press releases.

After series of brain-storming, the Muslim Coalition agreed to organise a peaceful protest under the auspices of the Conference of Islamic Organisations (CIO). The protest was carried out during the early hours of January 11th, 2012 as solidarity for NLC, Save Nigeria Group and Civil Societies. It featured over 1500 Muslims from many frontline organisations in Lagos. The protesters started off from Jibowu Yaba to Gani Fawehinmi Park at Ojota Bus-stop Lagos. Notable Imams of Islamic organisations that participated include Imam AbdurRahman Ahmad (Ansar Ud Deen Society of Nigeria), Shaykh Imam AbdurRahman Adangba (Missioner, Qareeb Society), Imam Abdullahi Shu’aib (Coordinator of the Conference of Islamic Organisations), Shaykh Dhikrullahi Shafii (Grand Mufti of CIO),  Dr. Ishaq Lakin Akintola (Director-General, MURIC), Prof Gbadamosi of Lagos State Muslim Council, Mallam Luqman AbdurRaheem (The Muslim Congress), Mallam Qasim Badrudeen, (Amir MSSN, Lagos State Area Unit), Al-Mu’minaat (The Believing Women Organisation) and other groups too numerous to mention.

At the Save Nigeria Group podium, inspirational speeches were delivered on behalf of the Muslim Coalition by Dr. Ishaq Lakin Akintola of MURIC and Imam AbdurRahman Ahmad of Ansar Ud Deen Society of Nigeria. Their messages revolved around bad governance unleashed on Nigerians, Massive corruption, profligacy and flagrant removal of fuel price by the government. The speech also decried the branding of Nigerian Muslims as Boko Haram, the callous burning of Benin Central Mosques by demonstrators in Edo state and more importantly the demand for unconditional reversion of petrol pump price to N65 per liter.

The protested wore T-shirts with messages such as: Jonathan: Stop the Killing; Punish the Cabal not The Masses.

Consequent upon the success recorded at today’s outing, the Muslim Coalition resolved that come Friday January 13, 2012 Insha Allah. The Muslim Coalition wants One million Muslims to come for Jumat Service at Gani Fawehinmi Park at Ojota Bus-stop Lagos for Special Prayers for the Nation. Spread the news to others. Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change what is in their heart (Q13:11).