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Gov. Oshiomhole Drops Inumidun Idehen, Edo State Women Affairs Commissioner, From Cabinet

One month to the Edo State governorship election, State Governor Adams Oshiomhole has dropped the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Dr. (Mrs) Inumidun Idehen, from the State Executive Council.

One month to the Edo State governorship election, State Governor Adams Oshiomhole has dropped the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Dr. (Mrs) Inumidun Idehen, from the State Executive Council.

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Dr. Idehen’s exit is to enable an administrative panel investigate thoroughly allegations of gross misconduct against her, including unauthorised closure of orphanage homes and unwholesome interference in the running of other charity institutions.

The outgoing commissioner has been directed to hand over all government property in her possession to the Permanent Secretary for Women Affairs and Social Development.

Comrade Oshiomhole’s action is fairly unusual, as most government leaders in Nigeria keep in office senior officials accused of wrongdoing.  At the federal level, President Goodluck Jonathan has maintained in the cabinet several Ministers and other top officials who have been accused of corruption; some of them go on to supervise corruption “investigations” in their areas of responsibility.

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