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Officials Deny Militant Attack On Government High School In Kano

Several officials have denied earlier reports that gunmen attacked a national unity high school-Federal Government College- in Kano late night.

Several officials have denied earlier reports that gunmen attacked a national unity high school-Federal Government College- in Kano late night.

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SaharaReporters called several officials of the National Emergency Management Agency  in Abuja- all of them said there  was no record of an attack on the boarding school or its neighborhood in Kano.

Also, the Commandant of the Airforce base in the troubled city told our reporters that he heard the rumor via text message, but he stated that his checks on the area did not produce any information about an attack.

The police spokesperson in Kano did not return calls.



The attention of the Police High Command has been drawn to rumours currently being peddled in both d social and other mass media to d effect dat Federal Govt Colege Kano is being (or had been) attacked by gun. This is FALSE in its entirety. It is not just a wicked rumour but a very dangerous one - capable of causing panic and untold pychological trauma on parents and relatives of students of d school and also unwittingly drawing d attention of d enemies to an institution that they might not have considered as a target in d 1st instance.   We therefore wish to appeal to members of d public to always cross-check their stories/information with appropraite authorities b4 publishn same. Our doors are open and we ready to entertain and attend to all enquiries- even at odd hours.   Meanwhile, the Nigeria Police and other Security agencies will continue to do their best to ensure d adequate protection of d lives & property of all Nigerians at all times. (Signed- CSP Frank Mba- Police Spokesman, FHQs, Abuja

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