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Turbaning of Katsina Gov as Sarkin Yakin Hausa: Concerned Daurawas Criticize Emir, Governor

A group of Daurawas has flayed the Democracy Day turbaning of the Katsina state Governor as Sarkin Yakin Hausa by the emir of Daura.

A group of Daurawas has flayed the Democracy Day turbaning of the Katsina state Governor as Sarkin Yakin Hausa by the emir of Daura.

In a press statement, the Concerned Daurawas attacked the “flagrant and reckless abuse of office and the assault on the resources of the people of Katsina State” and “the arrogant display of insensitivity to the state of the nation.”

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They drew attention to the way the security agencies terrorised the people and restricted their movement, and questioned the origin of the funds for the event.

Said the statement: “The recklessness and lack of vision by both the Emir and the Governor is nothing more than an affront on the people. Is conferring traditional title and turbanning ceremony the priority needs of Katsina people? By this single action the Governor and Emir of Daura have shown and confirmed that they are totally disconnected and out of touch with their people. This is really a tragedy. The Emir of Daura is living with the illusion and delusion of the past. He should note that this is 21st Century. Both the Governor and the Emir have shown that they are ignorant of the magnitude of burden of trust [reposed] in them. The whole thing is a show of shame and gross irresponsibility.”

They called on well-meaning Daurawas and Kastinawas to condemn the event and stand against similar developments in the future.

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