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To Deal or Not – The Nuclear Power Dilemma

October 8, 2015

On the top of the danger list is the existential threat to Israel. Iran and pro-islamic countries have maintained their stance not to recognize Israel as a Nation. The former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once before a United Nations council advocated that Israel should be wiped off the Map. Iran has been the number 1 financier of terrorism in the Middle East before and after the United State imposed sanctions which have downed their economy.

The continued push for a nuclear deal with Iran by President Barack Obama of the United States of America is destined to be a success despite the pro-Jewish voices sounding out alarms against the deal. The five nations US, Germany, France, Britain and China are negotiating a deal in a bid to avoid War and more bloodshed in the Middle East at least for the next 10 years.

On the top of the danger list is the existential threat to Israel. Iran and pro-islamic countries have maintained their stance not to recognize Israel as a Nation. The former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once before a United Nations council advocated that Israel should be wiped off the Map. Iran has been the number 1 financier of terrorism in the Middle East before and after the United State imposed sanctions which have downed their economy.

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Amidst this serious issue is the psychology of the Middle East where death is glorified. There is no regard and value for human life and those who die in conflicts are labeled martyrs.

President Netanyahu of Israel has been at the fore front of this battle against a deal that will empower Iran financially and set them on a path that eventually paves way for a nuclear weapon. In my opinion, the world must as a matter of World Security stand behind Israel and condemn the deal.

Nigeria recently took a dose of Islamic fanaticism in the name of Boko haram. Can we therefore trust a nation or a people with the same fanaticism with Nuclear Power? Can we imagine a Boko haram with Nuclear Power?

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Syria once had nuclear power plants and it took the intervention of Israel in September 2007 to stop them in an operation code named Operation Orchard. Israel launched air strikes and blew up all Syrian nuclear facilities. The Middle East today is reaping the benefits of Israeli intervention. As the war in Syria wages on, the government of al Assad used Barrel bombs and Chemical weapon on civilians violating Geneva Convention rules of War.

The barbaric and cruel nature of ISIS is another threat to the world. ISIS has overwhelmed Syrian forces in a bid to topple President Assad and take over the country. Let us imagine a Syrian nuclear weapon falling into the hands of the self proclaimed Islamic State. The Islamic State under the leadership of al Baghdadi will not hesitate to bomb countries out of existence in order to hasten their cause.

Are the worlds 5plus1 presently negotiating a deal with Iran on the right track? Instead of fighting Iran into submission and taking out their nuclear facilities, are they not pushing forward the evil day? Is it better to fight Iran without a nuclear weapon now or wait till they develop one in the future? Can Iran be trusted to honour the terms of the deal this time having failed to honour agreement with the West twice in time past?

In 2013, Obama maintained that Iran is complying with a November 2013 deal. However, The British government in April 20, 2015 reported the uncovering of a secret nuclear procurement network Iran has been using to secretly pursue nuclear materials. The revelation proves that Iran continued to violate UN resolutions during recent negotiations to wind down the country's nuclear program, and increases fears that the country is planning to cheat once a final agreement is reached.

These are questions and issues to be pondered by the Pro-deal Americans and all stakeholders before it is too late. As the battle for the next United States President rages, The Iran deal must be a major factor to consider by all Americans and the world at large.

While America, Russia and other countries with Nuclear weapons are reducing their stockpile, the devastating effect of nuclear weapons is a reason why efforts must be made to prevent other countries from obtaining one and especially countries with agendas to dominate the world, countries that glorify death more than life and countries that finance terrorism worldwide.

Iran should be stopped at all cost.

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