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March 14, 2016



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The title of my article comes from the comments of a regular reader of Sahara Reporters who uses "human sacrifice satanism" to describe what we here in Nigeria call "ritual killing". I prefer that term because it tells it as it is. While "ritual killing" is not so precise, for instance, ritual killing of what? A dog? A bear? A fish?

Wikipedia sources say that human sacrifice has its roots in ancient times, before history even began, and that it occurred in many cultures globally. Essentially, human sacrifice was done to appease the gods or spirits, and to bring about good fortune. But in some ancient cultures, human sacrifice was also done so that the chief man of the community, after his death would still have his servants and concubines who would be sacrificed, to serve him even in the afterlife. Another use of human sacrifice was for divination, to foretell future events. Human sacrifice was abolished in 97BC in Ancient Rome, although by then the practice had nearly stopped there. Then by the time Christianity followed by Islam arrived on the global scene, human sacrifice stopped or was replaced by animal sacrifice, or sacrifice of a human effigy (a carving, a statue).

Yet still  today, articles and reports abound about human sacrifice in Nigeria, telling us about Juju priests drinking human blood, about the presence of human abattoirs in various villages, about infants being beheaded as sacrifice, about heads, breasts, and sexual organs being removed from those used as human sacrifice, about Albinos having limbs cut off for use in human sacrifice, about humans being chopped up and boiled as part of the sacrifice event, about family members being sacrificed so that the rest of the family can live, or prosper. I have spoken to Police Officers who have described to me findings of bodies (or what is left of them), in various states of decomposition, showing clear signs that they had been victims of human sacrifice.

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When caught, those involved in human sacrifice invariably say that they did it for financial gain. They wanted to get rich. They wanted money. Research into this practice has not been easy because who would ever admit to being involved in such a cruel and barbaric activity? Yet, the evidence that it happens is there in the mutilated bodies found in every part of Nigeria. From my discussion with Police Officers, Nigerians from all social classes are involved, but they hide under the pretence of being either a Christian or a Moslem. So politicians, senior Civil Servants including Judges and Law Enforcement Officers, as well as teachers, doctors, and the illiterate poor are taking part in human sacrifice.

Throughout the history of man, blood has been used to seal a pact, covenant or oath between the parties involved. Either human or animal blood has been used. In Nigeria, human sacrifice is done in secret because those involved in it know that it is a bad thing to do, and they are frightened of being caught. Victims are obtained through crime and are either kidnapped, drugged or deceived. This is why human sacrifice is a thoroughly wicked practice, it is rooted in evil, and every aspect of it is inhuman, ugly and depraved. There is no way that our Creator would ever ask any human being to use crime to capture an unsuspecting human victim, then inflict agonizing and fearful deadly pain on that victim, so that someone can make money, or become rich! There are only four ways to make money, or be rich. By working, by stealing (or crime), by marriage or by inheriting. For anyone to think that the head, or breasts or genitalia of a human being will give them money or make them rich is utterly ridiculous. It is absurd, brainless, senseless, mindless. It is insane. In western countries such a person would come under the authority of a psychiatrist and of the mental health system.

I am not asking those who want to carry on with our Traditional Religion to stop their religion. But human sacrifice is a crime of murder so that component must be stopped. Our forefathers carried out human sacrifice. But this is the 21st Century and the world is a different place. Other cultures have stopped it and replaced human sacrifice with either animal sacrifice or with the use of an effigy - a statue or doll made to look like a human. We too in Nigeria should change our practice so that no human is killed while practicing our Traditional Religion, by using effigies or even animals, but best yet, we could remove sacrifices altogether from all rituals.

To those who will reply that Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his son, so human sacrifice is OK. I say this: Did Abraham sacrifice his son in the end? No, he did not. He found a ram caught in the bushes and sacrificed that instead. He sacrificed an animal, not a human being.

Nigerians, I urge us to come against our culture of human sacrifice. Some people are convinced that it has a dark spiritual dimension to it. Many are puzzled and mystified as to why our systems do not work as they ought to, yet corruption, wrong-doing, and indiscipline thrive everywhere. In every situation we face, we all know the good and right thing to do, yet, when it is time for action, too many keep on doing the wrong thing, doing that which will not make us progress as a people. Choosing evil over good, as if cursed. As if a God-forsaken people.  Isn't it time that we became honest about what we are as a society, and that we collectively reject human sacrifice satanism with its linkage to evil, and stop it? It is murder. It is a homicide. Our Police and Courts should investigate and prosecute all those involved in it, no matter who they are. I encourage us to have the courage to expose those involved to the authorities; we can also do it anonymously, or through a newspaper, or an NGO - find your method. Remember, that "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

We don't all have to be activists, but we all should be active citizens - anonymous.

(For research, and critical evaluation try reading "Deadliest Problem in Nigeria (Idol Worshipping).... a Hindrance to National Development" by Isaac Ivbaze which appeared in Nigeriaworld, December 16, 2013. It is in two parts - google it) 

N. ANNE UWECHUE is a retired UK Law Enforcement Officer, a farmer, and a social commentator.

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