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Northern Leaders In Fresh Move To Save Saraki

March 16, 2016

• Advise APC on political solution to CCT trial

• Seek Tinubu’s intervention

• Emir Sulu-Gambari succeeding in the fight for Saraki


SOME northern leaders, particularly, of Fulani extractions, have intensified their efforts towards forestalling the prosecution of the President of the Senate, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) at the instance of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB).

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The Saraki saga is widely perceived to be the fall out of the power tussle over the leadership of the National Assembly in which leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) lost to the united force of the federal lawmakers. Invariably, the northern leaders have taken the prosecution of the Senate President as political brinkmanship that should be fought with all available political weapons at their disposal.

The Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, has been in the vanguard of the battle to strengthen Saraki’s political forte in the power war waged against him by certain APC leaders since his emergence as Senate President.

National Daily had earlier reported an intervention network of some northern leaders, who then included the Emir of Ilorin, His Royal Highness, Dr. Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, CFR, the 11th Emir of Ilorin; Sultan of Sokoto, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Sa’adu Abubakar, wife of the President, Hajia Aisha Buhari, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, including some northern governors, among others towards the end of 2015.

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ALSO SEE: CCT: Saraki’s brain meets Buhari’s brawn >>>

Hajia Aisha Buhari had then led the vanguard of reconciliation, essentially, between her husband and the Senate President, leading her to nominate the wife of the Senate President,

Mrs. Toyin Saraki, to represent her at the United Nations towards the end last year.
Emir Sulu-Gambari had embarked on wide consultations with several Emirs in the North, seeking their support to intervene and prevail on President Muhammadu Buhari and APC leaders to end the legal battle with the Senate President.

National Daily gathered that the intervention culminated into President Buhari changing his mind to work with the Senate President, and accordingly, sent the 2016 budget to the National Assembly late December after the time he promised for presentation had elapsed.

Sources had then revealed to National Daily that even while the president changed his mind to work with the Senate president, he insisted he would not interfere with the proceedings at the CCT, maintaining that the senate president will have to clear himself in the suit.

Since the intervention, there have been noticeable improved relations between Buhari and Saraki, both of whom are Fulanis, putting an end to the prevalent media reports that the president was avoiding seeing the Senate president or that he was being denied access to the President.

The cordial relationship that emerged after the intervention subsequently created harmonious executive-legislature relations for the smooth running of the government.

However, the political war continued in the law courts, proceeding to the Supreme Court and returning to the CCT.

ALSO SEE: Anti-Saraki senator splits House of Reps >>

Since the judgement of the Supreme Court which failed to give legal protection to the Senate President and reverted the case to the CCT, the northern leaders rejuvenated the political machinery for reconciliation within the APC.


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