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Nigeria Military and Boko Haram Under Buhari!

March 18, 2016

Hello Nigerians, and other citizens of the Planet Earth,

These thought Provoking tweets by Cinderella Man are worth reading on Nigeria Military and Boko Haram. Please read through!

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In other news Shekau has been pretty silent for a minute now.

There is always a lesson to learn. Esp from this BH menace. The Army should set up a special Response div of 10000 men ready to deploy anytime.

Deny or accept it. The Commander in Chief has made significant gains as regards the fight on BH. The same Fight that was largely politicized.
Men and women of the Army cried that they were sent to war without weapons we called them cowards. Shebi we are seeing new info everyday.

God is my witness and @Mistahsix4 as well. Our class mate fought in Baga. He lost almost 200 men to BH.

Have you seen a body of anyone shot with an Anti Aircraft Gun You'd probably not eat or sleep for days. I hope the Army heals from this.

Same Alex Badeh said all an infantry soldier needed was a rifle. Meanwhile 3.7billion naira vanished under his watch.

I gave up when I saw a documentary and a soldier mapping terrain was using 20 leaves exercise book to draw maps in 2015.

As globalized as the world is. Nigeria was giving excuses about not being able to buy arms.

What kills me are the men and women that died for nothing. Fighting a war they were doomed to lose from the onset

Boko haram took towns in Nigeria. Hoisted flags and made propaganda videos. My peers said it was the opposition sponsoring them

Over the past 3weeks we have seen news of how the army is decimating boko haram and freeing hostages. We act numb because it's good news.

The real story of the war on Boko Haram would be told one day.

I'd speak to my classmate in the North East from time to time. And on days or weeks I don't hear from him I just assume he passed on

This same army fought in Liberia. As a stdt of NNSSABK we saw Ratings hustle to go to Liberia. Come back &buy Reg Benz. Same Army couldn’t fight BH.

We hired mercenaries from South Africa to fight. And said they were teaching our Army to use these weapons. How sophisticated can they be?

I know how disciplined the Military is. Men turned and fired at their commanding officer and you think that is normal

I am not loyal to APC or PDP. I carry a NIGERIAN PASSPORT.

The true enemies of Nigeria are the ones that would look for an avenue to add an ethnic sentiment to skirmishes around Nigeria

I learnt how to accommodate other tribes from my folks. As a kid I went to sokoto with my folks to attend the wedding of our security guard.

Northerners are Behind BH abi. Then why the Bleep do they keep overrunning Northern towns and killing Northerners

An Airforce officer was captured and beheaded by BH. They claimed he didn't belong to the Airforce

You know why I am mad. Cos I saw my classmates in the Army shipped to the North to die for a country that didn't give a poo abt them.

The true story of the complicity of the war on BH will be told one day. I pray we are all alive to hear

All of a sudden the same party people who accused the opposition of funding BH are saying their new party chairman has in rods to BH.

Military installations were overrun. BH prisoners were freed in this Nigeria

To the people in the North East. We will never know ur pain. I pray y'all heal fast and rebuild what the animals didn't totally destroy

With the shared borders with Chad did Boko haram ever take any territory in Chad. Small Chad ladies and gentlemen

Last yr d Borno Airport was reopened we acted mum. All major Highways connecting Borno dt were closed for 3yrs were opened. Stil we were mum

We heard commanders from Chad say when they liberated towns. Nigerian commanders won't pick calls to come occupy them.

3 million IDPS. With no home to return to yet we sacrifice our sensibilities on the altar of politics and tribalism

The is Govt needs to re structure the Military. We need to remove the bias btwn regular and short service officers.

Do you know what it takes to lose a barrack to boko haram. These bastards took our Tanks and repainted them. Kai

I am not trying to spin any narrative. Good news does!

Side Note:

Buhari Ajala Travel All Over the World!

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You: PMB should sit down at home, there is Economic issue.
Me: So when such serious issue is at stake, he should sit down?
You: Yes, that is Common Sense.
Me: So when you as a father sees a serious Economic issue in your house, you simply sit down at home and not run around? Isn't that Common Sense?
You: Azzin, you know......He can send his Ministers, Especially Foreign Affairs minister..
Me: So how will you feel, if Benin Republic needs Nigeria assistance, and decides to send his minister to come and meet your President in Aso Rock? You will clap for Benin President abi?
You: But..But...He doesn't even have Economic Team.
Me: When you hear the name like "National Economic Summit" something like that what do you think?
You: I mean his personal Economic Adviser...
Me: So how did you know this?
You: Well....That is what people are saying
Me: And the same people told you that PMB can never win Election...Am I right?

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