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March 18, 2016

The Rector of Delta Stat, Dr. Mrs. Edner Morgekwu has approved the reduction of fees for spill over/extention students from N27,000 to between N5,000 and N12,000

Information at our disposal says the Rector, Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi-Uku has approved the reduction of the school fees of students who had spill over. In most highers institutions, students who have spill over/extension of their academic year are made to re-register and pay full school fees. But this was not the case this time around as the Rector, Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi-Uku, Dr. Mrs. Edner Morkegwu graciously approved that spill over/extension be made to pay five thousand naira only for those with three carryovers and pay addition one thousand for any extra course failed. In our interview with some of the benefiting students, they said they were very happy with this kind gesture of the Rector. Parents who were also interviewed told us that it was a great releif for them. They prayed for God to grant her another tenure in office. The Rector in her reaction said she did what she did for God and not for anyman. We equally pray that God will grant her her heart desires and wipe away tears from her eyes.

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