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What Joseph Told Nigeria President from His Grave!

March 18, 2016

This Downward economy.. This season of scarce commodities... I remember Joseph and Pharaoh in Egypt.

Gen 41:32.. God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do. Indeed seven years of great plenty will come throughout all the land of Egypt; but after them seven years of famine will arise, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine will deplete the land. So the plenty will not be known in the land because of the famine following, for it will be very severe. And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.”

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Yes, there shall be years of abundance (oil boom)......hey President" Pharaoh, watch it, because there also shall be years of scarcity after such abundance (oil doom).....
This is the panacea oh Mr President:
Make sure you have enough reserve from The proceeds of your years of abundance....Then the years of scarcity that must surely come, your Savings in abundance will strengthen your economy.

Pharaoh was wise enough to listen to Joseph of his generation.....
But in the days of oil boom in Nigeria for 5 years of unprecedented crude oil averaged $100 per barrel, our "Josephs" (Dream Interpreters, Religious Leaders, Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists) only showed up in Aso Rock to get their own shares. Worse still, King Pharaoh shared it for the Vultures.....
Then, I heard Joseph's voice echoing from his grave: But I warned them ahead of time. I told them what wisdom demanded...Other nations saw the signs ahead and diversified ( That gave birth to Etisalat from another oil dependent nation, tourism in UAE, Dubai etc).
But Nigeria "Pharaoh" despised wisdom. He squandered divine providence. He mortgaged the coming generation. He brought in a Demon to open CBN vaults to Higher Demons. He embraced religion, but despised Godly counsel.

Now the years of abundance is gone. Now the years of scarcity is hear. But the price of "Egypt" major bread has crashed. So the value of "Egypt" currency must crash also....
Stop wailing on the new "Pharaoh" that knew not Joseph and his counsel...Today is simply the consequence of yesterday...Time to plow the ground again. And this NEW "Pharaoh" must get it right! Since he said NO to Devaluation...Don't you people the "Online Intelensuals" have another formula? 

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Nigeria Will rise again, don't waste your time spreading hate, Nigeria is on the right Path!

twitter:  @dmightyangel

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