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The Unchanged Change agents: Dashing the Hope of a Crying Nation

March 19, 2016

A reflection on the recent CBN illegal recruitment

THE UNCHANGED CHANGE AGENTS: DASHING THE HOPE OF A CRYING NATION (A REFLECTION ON (#CBNILLEGALHIRE) Painstakingly, average Nigerians have continued to chew the bitter fruits of democracy, we have continuously been subjected to oppression by those we empowered, we are grossly segregated by those we selected, they have humiliated Nigerians. At this point, we are stuck in the middle; we are left with no array of hope of good governance in Nigeria. Equality is now an abomination in our political system, leaving ordinary Nigerian’s aspirations jettisoned, there seems not to be an end to the deliberate and broad day murder of the vulnerable youths’ potentials. We are exposed to frustration of different faces by our own government at all level and over time. Corruption has been for a long while identified as the most prominent among the deadly enemies of Nigeria, even President Muhammadu Buhari’s emergence is obviously as a result of the nonchalant posture of the immediate past administration of the country against corruption. Change was the basis for which Nigerians opted for the government in power, Nigerians wanted a situation where there will be fairness and equality in income distribution a country where justice will reign supreme regardless of who or what is concerned, Nigerians longed for a country where political sanity will be dominant, when all leaders will be held accountable for their actions and inactions in the cause of governance. Truthfully, only a foolish man will expect less than a year baby to start running like fanatics will claim, especially on a muddy ground, nonetheless, we need to be convinced that the change is indeed and not per-say because all we see is still political business as usual. As opposed to the elementary definition of government which told us that government is an institution of the state, our own government and its agent have practically defined government for us as an institution for enriching the rich and impoverishing the poor. The latest Central Bank of Nigeria’s illegal hire is beyond recruitment scam to any reasonable Nigerian youth, it is a reflection of the fact that we are just on our own, our brilliancy have only merited us unemployment, we are only made purposeful for their selfish political crusade and at the end, their children are positioned to continue leading us to doom, an adventure they had succeeded in establishing. While our leaders employed the poor and brilliant Nigerian youths in the organization of politically motivated protests, online political hyping and exaggeration of their scanty and less relevant achievements, they fix their children who probably managed to graduate from higher institutions (usually abroad as a result of the poor state they have made Nigerian higher institutions) into juicy public offices. The popular argument in favor of the present government is its tenderness in term of duration in government, but while the government is too young to start manifesting goodies for Nigerians, it is not too young in creating magical appointments for the sons and daughters of high-ranked political office holders in President Buhari’s cabinet. According to the CBN in defense of the illegality it just committed, it claimed the law permits CBN to do “targeted recruitment” when it is need of specialists, let CBN publish the academics and professional qualifications of these sons and daughters of leaders we can’t trust.CBN further claimed that there are states that are not well represented at the CBN and that was another basis of the acclaimed “targeted recruitment”, I ask, are the sons and daughters of the ruling class the only qualified and suitable persons from those state? Why can’t the recruitment be announced strictly for such states not well represented for fairness and transparency sake? Just December 2015, top officers of the Nigerian Immigration Service were also reported to have illegally recruited 300 personnel, till now, Nigerians are unaware of any panel of inquiry to that effect and we say we are in era of zero tolerance for corruption. However, my surprise disappeared realizing that the son of the Hon. Minister for interior, Abdulrahman Danbazzau (Nagode Abdulrahman) is on the list of the beneficiaries of the alleged CBN recruitment scam. Given the fact that he that must come to equity must come with clean hands, it will therefore become difficult for Danbazzau to check a gross misconduct for which he’s also a suspect. Tell me the difference between Danbazzau and Abba Moro? I can’t imagine the son of the Chief Judge of Nigeria’s federal high court, Justice Ibrahim Auta (Mbwiduffu Ibrahim Auta) and the daughter of police IG, Solomon Arase also made the list, then how can we escape lawlessness when the custodians and managers of law and orderliness are also indicted? Certainly I know, there will be a defense mechanism to cover up their conspiracy against Nigeria and the unfortunate fact is that the same youths that are most vulnerable that will still help them in decolorizing the truth, of which we are the most vulnerable victims of inequality. Let somebody tell me that the only achievement of PMB’s administration so far is fighting corruption, even when corruption still feeds fat in the corridor of power. This is frustrating and if the fight against corruption is true, masses oriented and objective, this act of gross misconduct should be checked. The illegal recruitment must be reversed and the perpetrators (CBN and the government officials) should be relieved of their various positions as they have posed not to be trustworthy to Nigerians. I know that justice in this kind of case will be delayed and consequently denied, but PMB’s got the challenge to convince Nigerians beyond reasonable doubt that “he belongs to everybody and he belongs to nobody”. We cannot continue doing things same way and expect varying results, to me, nothing has changed in the real sense. Ibrahim Sheriff is a Kwaran ex-students leader and socio-political activist. [email protected] 08136488288

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