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On El-Rufai.s Death Wish

April 4, 2016

El-Rufa'i may not be a good Muslim, and I may not be in any way his fan, but it is my duty as a Nigerian citizen and Kaduna State indegene to voice out my discomfort over a perceived and obvious threat to the life of the Chief Security Officer of state and the representative of the commander-in-chief.

The governor of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir El-Rufa'i is recently having a clash with some religious leaders over a law aimed at curbing excesses in preaching within the state. Most notably of these clash is with a self acclaimed 'Apostle' who is reported to have said that the governor will die in 14 days if the law is not withdrawn.

I'm not a fan of ElRufai. In fact, I'm strongly against his policies. But today I am expressing my firm support for the fiery governor not because he is a Muslim or something but because the law, even if it's faulty in some aspects, is generally something that is aimed at putting a stop at the use of religion in noise pollution and disturbance of public peace by religious groups which includes the governor's religion, Islam and Christianity. Other states of the federation have similar laws. Recently, some churches were closed down by Lagos State government under an auspice of a law similar to the one in Kaduna State. Interestingly, the governor of Lagos State is a Christian, and interestingly again, no Christian has raised an eyebrow over the close down of the churches. There's a degree of discomfort amongst the Muslim religious groups within Kaduna State, but it has not reached the extent of threatening the life of the governor. This is not because the governor is a Muslim but because it's illogical.

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For someone to tell the world the another person would die in a certain number of days time, this may be seen as a threat to life. If it's seen in a predictive ('apostolic' or 'prophetic') perspective, then I say it's just ridiculous. If I were the self proclaimed 'apostle', I wouldn't have made that ridiculous prediction. Death is the ultimate end of everyone and everything, and El-Rufa'i, being an ordinary human like every other human will surely die someday and somewhere. His life and death belong to the the exclusive control of his Creator.

El-Rufa'i may not be a good Muslim, and I may not be in any way his fan, but it is my duty as a Nigerian citizen and Kaduna State indegene to voice out my discomfort over a perceived and obvious threat to the life of the Chief Security Officer of state and the representative of the commander-in-chief.

Kaduna State is a state with many religious and tribal affiliations. The peaceful coexistence in the state has been fragile for years. Therefore, it's a dangerous idea for religious leaders to be making statements carelessly that would ignite tension within the state.

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