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Rise Of The Machines

May 8, 2016

As robots threaten the very existence of mankind , we have to assess the threats currently posed by these machines in furtherance to the preparation for our defense.

The maxim or fundamental principle of Engineering is to solve problems, and in the spirit of problem solving, robots were designed.

Robots have featured prominently in a lot of areas where human labor is either unavailable, not enough or not capable of delivering the much needed level of speed, efficiency and precision required to accelerate processes.

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Anything that undertakes the work of humans is a robot or put in another form, a bot. Be it a physical structure or a suite of virtual programmed routines.

Robots were designed to solve problems, but the proponents of robotics technology took the fun a little bit far when they started using it to aggressively take the jobs meant for humans.

Unemployment is growing and persisting across the world, mostly in Africa because technology or rather automated technological processes are now performing roles which was originally meant for humans.

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In factories or industries where complex design and manufacturing is made,  robots guarantee that products pass through all the stages of production, also in hotels, hospitals, and other areas of endeavor, robots are seen doing things normal human beings ought to be doing.

Automated systems like ATM machines are also a form of bot, when the ATM berthed, a lot of jobs were taken away in banks. And similar technologies like that and also the robots themselves are rapidly finding their way into Africa.

A particular robotics professor once stated that he envisages a world filled with robots which is a model he is working on, and that in the near future robots will make a significant number of human population.

It's already playing out with brain cells of rats already embedded on some robots, while we know rat is an intelligent animal, at least from the way it escapes our traps, that trait has added a big plus to the decision making capabilities of robots, next human brain cells will follow and my fears will become a reality.

The robots do the work faster, don't take salaries, allowances and benefits. They don't even eat or drink like some folks who only do the maths with food while at work.
Now let me play for you the algorithm of robots, some folks used to think robots were handcoded from top down, but I have always differed, from a strong engineering background of computing systems engineering, I have always posited that robots are only interpreting a behavioral pattern.

Written code alone will always keep robots under total human control, but with the principles of artificial intelligence, robots only adapt to behavior and logic not necessarily "static void main()".

Of course objective-C plays a huge role in robot design but much of that code is used to interpret the behavior a robot is designed with.

A robot you sent to the market to buy liquor, if the robot depended on code, it will have options,

"if you don't see Remy Martins buy Jack Daniels" .

Upon getting to the market, without seeing Remy Martins or Jack Daniels it will come back even if Johnnie Walker Red Label is there.

A robot that has behavioral pattern embedded within it just like every other robot will get to the market, in the absence of Remy Martins and Jack Daniels it will buy Red Label or any other thing that is liquor or spirit.

That is how robots behave. You design behavior and drop inside it. The threat becomes real the more when brain cells come into the equation, brain cells of humans are currently contemplated.

The robots will totally behave like humans, have emotions, I read in a particular report or journal where it is been considered that robots will have to sleep with women in future to take care of such needs for the womenfolk.

A lot things flying in the world of Artificial intelligence. And I anchored my arguments on the basis of the fact that if robots take a significant number of human population, with their behavioral way of doing things, and the considerations of making them super human, they will at a time nurse the interest of eradicating mankind.

With a good population of robots moving on the streets side by side with humans, in the markets, offices and almost everywhere, their behavioral instincts will grow to a point where man will look alien to them and hence an ambition to purge the human race.

Arnold Schwarzenegger once painted such a picture in his movies the Terminator and it looked like fiction, I am telling you now it's real.

Do we allow the rise of the machines?

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