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Police Seal Off PDP Convention Venue

The National Convention of the Peoples Democratic Party billed to hold in Port Harcourt on Wednesday appeared to have suffered a major setback as hundreds of security operative, mainly policemen sealed off the Sharks Stadium, venue of the convention.

Some delegates, who had planned to be at the stadium before 10 a.m, were stranded while others who heard about the situation stayed back in their hotels.

It was gathered that policemen and operatives of the Counter Terrorism Unit blocked the major entrance to the stadium located on Hospital Road in Port Harcourt with an Armoured Personnel Carrier.

The development caused a gridlock on some major roads in the Rivers State capital.

Civil servants, businessmen, and artisans were stranded on the road as at 9.30 am, some who could no longer bear the long wait in the traffic decided to trek to their offices and other destinations.

Some journalists, who were close to the main gate of the Sharks Stadium could take photographs after one of the security operatives cautioned them against taking any shot.
