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NCAA Sanctions 90 Pilots Airlines, Engineers, Others Over Violation Of Safety

Some of the organisations sanctioned by the regulatory agencies included airlines, Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMO), cockpit and cabin crew as well as its own engineers


The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) says it has sanctioned at least 90 erring professionals and organizations, including airlines, in the past three years. 

The sanctions, according to the regulatory agency, were effected between October 2014 and December 2017.

Some of the organisations sanctioned by the regulatory agencies are airlines, Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMO), cockpit and cabin crew as well as its own engineers.

Capt. Usman Muhtar, Director-General of NCAA, made this disclosure on Thursday at an event organised by the Aviation Round Table (ART) in Lagos.

Muhtar, who was represented at the occasion by the Director of Consumer Protection, Alhaji Adamu Abdullahi, said the 90 sanctions applied included 15 pilots, five cabin crew, four engineers, a private security firm, four Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMO) and five airlines.

According to him however, sanctioning was not an achievement, but a deterrent made to ensure that violators do not repeat violations.

Speaking on some of the NCAA’s Key Performance Indexes (KPI), Abdullahi stated that NCAA in the past  years has had steady improvements in certain areas especially as regards professional advancement.

He stated that for the third year running the country’s aviation industry had recorded zero accidents, stressing that this was due to airlines adherence to standard operating procedures (SOPs), which are brought about by well-trained safety instructors.

He added that between January and December, 2017 licensed pilots had increased to 2,356 from 2,226.

In the area of certification of validation from none in 2016, the NCAA recorded 46 certifications; expatriate pilots in the country had reduced from 631 in 2016 to 609 in 2017 while aircraft maintenance engineers with validation is now 11 in 2017 from none in 2016.

Reeling further statistics, Adamu said licensed cabin crew had increased from 1808 in 2016 to 946 in 2017; flight dispatchers have also increased in same period from 543 to 602, while Air Traffic Controllers have also increased from 313 to 329.

Licensed air traffic safety electronic personnel increased also from 254 to 319, while flight engineers was 14 from having none in 2016 and licensed aeronautical station operators increased by seven from 100 to 107.

The NCAA director further stated that in terms of passenger traffic for 21 airport stood at a total of 25, 528 as average daily departure was 12, 761 while departure stood at 12,767 with 305 aircraft movement.
