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Govt Commissions 43 Ecological Projects

“I wish to also inform Your Excellency that about 73 projects were initiated and completed during the administration of Mr President, and as we speak, we have commissioned 43 out of the 73 projects.


The federal government said in Bauchi state that it had commissioned 43 projects and completed 73 since the dispensation of Muhhamadu Buhari began in 2015. The permanent secretary in the Ecological Fund Office (EFO) had said in March that it had executed 47 projects so far.

The Minister of state for Trade and Industry, Hajia Aisha Abubakar, updated these figures saying:

“I wish to also inform Your Excellency that about 73 projects were initiated and completed during the administration of Mr President, and as we speak, we have commissioned 43 out of the 73 projects.

“Just on Thursday, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Hajiya Kadijat Abba Bukar commissioned a similar project in Azare Town of Bauchi state.”

Speaking with the Bauchi Governor, Mohammed Abubakar, Mrs Abubakar, said she was in the state Mrs Lawal, to launch a water rechannelling project in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital.

“We are here in Bauchi to commission the channelization of the flood waters within the premises of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH), Bauchi,” she said.

“It has been a problem for over five years, we found it on the database bank of the Ecological Fund Office.

“After looking at the importance and significant of having a good teaching hospital and providing quality service to human lives and good environment for the people, we sort the approval of Mr President and in February 2017, he assented to the request.”

 Mrs Abubakar, promised the people of the state five more ecological projects before the present tenure reaches its climax.

While receiving the minister and her entourage, Mr Abubakar thanked the President for the interventions and pointed out areas of urgent intervention. He said he would support the Presidency in all its efforts. Abubakar called for urgent response at the Tambari Housing Estate and Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic.

At the press conference organise by EFO in March, Habiba Lawal, said the value of requests received by the office from various groups and state governments had reached N1.1 trillion. She said the funds it receives are not sufficient to meet all these needs, hence the need for prioritisation. Mrs Lawal said her office gets N15 billion quarterly. She also reviewed that the agency was involved in 41 other projects besides the 47 it had completed.
