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The Supplication Of A Democrat (For President Muhammadu Buhari) By Ademola Adesola

September 4, 2018

Give me the instrument of unchecked power;
I want to unfurl my whims and caprices.


Give me the key to the room in the courthouse of impunity;

I want to deliver a verdict against the rule of law.


Give me the instrument of unchecked power;

I want to unfurl my whims and caprices.


Give me the seat in the chambers of impunity;

I want to reign in terror and anarchy.


Give me the scepter of untrammeled power;

I want to rule arbitrarily and imperiously.


Give me the crown in the sacristy of impunity;

I want to reestablish the kingdom of my first coming.


Give me the appurtenances of Mephistophelean power;

I want to enlarge the coast of my illiberal mind.


Give me the bulldozer in the commodious yard of impunity;

I want to pull down the edifice of constitutionality and accountability.=


Give me the pen of ruthless power;

I want to codify a new set of Decrees for the good of democracy.


Ademola writes from the University of Manitoba, Canada. 
