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Poem: Aretha By Niyi Osundare

September 17, 2018

There was melody
In that Voice
And memory in its method


(This short note to the Queen of Soul)


Her Voice was her refuge

Her unfailing thunder

In a world suborned by silence


There was melody

In that Voice

And memory in its method


Tinged, so indelibly, with pain and promise,

That Voice taught a reluctant world

The true spelling of




And the delicate sweetness

Which sometimes springs

From the abyss of adversity


But now, alas,

The Songbird is gone

Long live the songs




Yeah, Sista,

Tell Paul* Ol’ Man River is still rollin’ along

Tell Otis** We [still] got dreams to remember







* Paul Robeson: legendary African American lawyer, star athlete, actor, singer, and civil rights activist. ‘Ol’ Man River’ is one of his most remembered songs.

** Otis Redding: African American singer with a magnificently melodious voice; often called The King of Soul.



