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BREAKING: Nigerian Government Pays Salaries Of Striking Varsity Lecturers

The lecturers were owed wages from February to April for refusing to sign up to the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System.

University lecturers, who embarked on a strike action to protest a new government unified payment system, have been paid salaries withheld by the Federal Government on Friday.

The lecturers were owed wages from February to April for refusing to sign up to the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System. 


The Academic Staff Union of Universities in March declared the strike after the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration stopped its members’ salaries.

Making a u-turn on the decision to withhold payment, Buhari in April directed the payment of all withheld salaries.

It is however, unclear if the lecturers complied with the directive to enroll with the IPPIS system.