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Nigeria Records World's 2nd Highest Number Of ISIS Attacks In 81 Days —Report

Gun-wielding fighters from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) had claimed different attacks in Nigeria within the 81 days.

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), also known as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) has claimed its fighters carried out 517 attacks around the world between January 1 and March 17.


According to the group, Nigeria is ranked second on the list with 112 attacks.


Other countries listed are Iraq (162), Syria (106), Egypt (30), Afghanistan (68), DRC (18), Niger (9), Pakistan (7), Tunisia (2), Chad (1), Mali (1) and Somalia (1).


Gun-wielding fighters from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) had claimed different attacks in Nigeria within the 81 days. 


This comes after the Pentagon warned that ISIS is taking over swathes of Africa like it did in Syria and Iraq with "staggeringly brutal" tactics.


According to a report from West Point, the US officer training academy, the group's expansion and regrouping on the continent shows "Islamic State is far from defeated.”


By the summer of 2020, it had become resolutely clear that the Islamic State was a changed organisation, but by no means a beaten one," the report, published by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Centre, said.


The Pentagon report said there has been a "marked upward curve of claimed cumulative attacks and casualties" across Africa, but the "largest and most sophisticated" presence is in West Africa and the Greater Sahara.


"ISIS in West Africa is engaging in operations that are increasingly audacious, staggeringly brutal, and worryingly akin to what ISIL, as it was known at the time, was doing early 2014," it said.


Operations in West Africa include a daylight attack on the convoy of the Governor of Borno state, Babagana Umara Zulum in July 2020.


The group has killed thousands and displaced millions in North-Eastern Nigeria.


The Nigerian military has repeatedly claimed that the insurgency had been largely defeated and frequently underplays any losses.


In the past months, soldiers have been targeted by the insurgents, who lay in ambush on their path.


Hundreds of soldiers and officers have been reportedly killed since January 2021.


At least 33 soldiers were recently killed when two explosive-laden vehicles rammed into a military convoy in Wulgo.


The suicide bombers were identified as Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Bana Jundullah. The group also claimed four military vehicles were destroyed.


In February, about 20 soldiers were also killed in Malari, Borno State by the insurgents.


SaharaReporters gathered that the soldiers were on patrol to clear some Boko Haram elements in the area following a credible intelligence when they were ambushed by the group.

