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Ijaw Youths Council Accuses Nigerian Senate Of Frustrating President Buhari's Effort To Inaugurate NDDC Board

ijaw youth council
November 22, 2022

Nigerian Senate, led by Senator Ahmad Lawal has been accused of the frustrating inauguration of the Board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

In August, Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Mr. Umana Okon Umana gave a clue that there are strong indications that President Muhammadu Buhari may have given fresh conditions for the inauguration of the Board of the NDDC.

Umana explained that the condition is centred around the release of a white paper detailing the activities of all who committed infractions against the agency, following the recent forensic audit ordered by the President.

Reacting to the delay in constituting the board of the NDDC, Umana insisted that nobody is averse to constituting the board, rather the white paper needs to be released to ascertain the people responsible for fleecing the agency.

However, the leadership of the Ijaw Youths Council (IYC), Abuja/Northern Nigeria chapter, on Tuesday accused the Senate of a deliberate attempt to frustrate the intentions of President Muhammadu Buhari to inaugurate the board.

The group asserted that President Buhari had directed that the board should be inaugurated immediately when he ordered the removal of the former Sole Administrator of the Commission, Mr Effiong Akwa Okon.

This is contained in a statement signed by the IYC chairman, Comrade Adams Marbo, in Abuja, expressing dismay over the continuous delay by the Senate, days after it reconvened after recess, to act on the NDDC matter.

He explained that it was on the strength of the President's position that the Minster of Niger Delta Affairs, Mr Umana Okon Umana, during his visit to the Commission's headquarters, informed journalists that the names of the reconstituted board members had already been sent to the Senate.

Marbo described the action of the Senate as disrespectful to President Buhari and an affront to his authority after sending the names of the nominees to the Senate.

He said, "The IYC prayed that the delay by the Senate should not be connected to speculations in the media that the present management of the NDDC and some big contractors are lobbying the Senate to delay the inauguration to enable some few selfish individuals to continue to share the commonwealth of the people of the region among themselves.

"While urging President Buhari to order an investigation into the allegation, the IYC pleads with the Minster of Niger Delta Affairs, Obong Umana Okon Umana, to maintain his integrity which he has been known for over the years, by resisting the pressure to be dragged into the messy and greedy arrangement targeted at delaying the inauguration of the Board.

"However, IYC has confidence in the leadership of the Senate led by Senator Ahmad Lawal to do the needful for the betterment of the larger society.

"The inauguration of the Board will contribute immensely to sustain the peace already being enjoyed in the Niger Delta region.”