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Reality Check: Why The Political Class Boycotted Akpabio's 60th Birthday, By Utom Idung

Reality Check: Why The Political Class Boycotted Akpabio's 60th Birthday, By Utom Idung
December 15, 2022

Come to think of it, as the immediate past governor, his 60th birthday should have been a carnival celebrated by who is who in the state across political party line.


On Sunday, December 11, 2022, the former governor of Akwa Ibom State, Senator Godswill Akpabio, learnt the hard way that his life of betrayal, double cross and divisiveness would earn him nothing but emptiness and desolation. 

He came face to face with the reality of such predicament at his 60th birthday celebration, which was largely boycotted by the political class both within and outside the State, prompting his handlers to gate-crash an ongoing field convention of The Apostolic Church, Ikot Ekpene as a last minute decision to maintain the impression that the senator is still much loved. 

Come to think of it, as the immediate past governor, his 60th birthday should have been a carnival celebrated by who is who in the state across political party line. All the men he boasts of having made, government officials, former and serving commissioners, special assistants, party officials, businessmen and women, technocrats and many more should have paid their respect. But, this was not the case. Everyone avoided the celebration like plague.

Casting our mind back to the last two birthday celebrations of Obong Victor Attah, gives an idea of what such a ceremony should look like. Indeed, Attah's birthdays are often state functions attended by the governor or his representative and the entire paraphernalia of government present. Reason for this celebration is not farfetched, Attah governed with decency, fairness and in good faith. He was not given to abusing trust and betrayals. He always returned a favour and remained selfless to the end; this can not be said of Akpabio.

Senator Akpabio knows that his antics are catching up with him that is why he reportedly confessed to whoever was listening that he would use occasion of his 60th birthday to reconcile aggrieved party members, mend fences and consolidate power. Amusingly, from pictures of his celebration, which were posted all over social media with ample focus on the crowd of worshippers, there was not one notable stalwart from the All Progressives Congress, APC, his party nor any politician at all.

That fateful Sunday, while Akpabio sat among the brethren practically deserted by former political associates except the likes of Arc. Ubokutom Nyah, who has no political value, his life of betrayal and backstabbing must have flashed through his mind, showing him his emptiness. Even if a photographer that serves the political class would have had more party stalwarts across political party lines showing support. Unfortunately, there was no sign of his family, associates nor party leaders even from the senatorial district.

Glaringly absent were the political leader of Essien Udim, Chief M. A. Afangideh, former member representing Essien Udim, Hon. Nse Ntuen, Akpabio's former chief of staff, Mr. Godwin Afangideh, former deputy speaker, Hon. Uwem Udoma; former federal lawmakers including Abom Tony Esu, Rt. Emmanuel Ukoette a.k.a Gani, Rt. Emmanuel Ekon and Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Akpan respectively. Also, former commissionerswho were very close like Mr. Aniekan Umana, party officials and chieftains including former minister of Women Affairs, Obong Rita Akpan; former petroleum minister, Atuekong Don Etiebet; Otuekong Sunny Jackson, former CEO/MD of NDDC, HE Nsima Ekere; the minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Mr. Umana Okon Umana, former Senior Special Assistant to the President on Niger Delta, Sen. Ita Enang, the embattled APC governor flagbearer, Mr. Akan Udofia, Former Commissioners: Hon Victor Iyanam; Mr. Sonni Anyang, Dr. Ebebe Ukpong; Engr Linus Ekon; Mr. Iroiga Ikan; Barr. Bassey Dan Abia, Dr Emem Wills; Mr. Ime Ekpoattai; Mrs Akon Eyakeni; Engr  Ita Awak;  Prof Trenchard Ibia; Mrs. Arit Ibanga; Sir. Udo Hillary Isobara; Enobong Uwah; Emmanuel Enoidem; Emmanuel Ekpenyong a.k.a Iraq; Anietie Ukpe; Usoro Usoro; Dr. Gloria Edet; Sir. Monday Ebong Uko; Akan Okon; Samuel Effanga
Former Governors; Former and current National Assembly members; Former and current State House of Assembly members; Former and current Local Government Chairmen, Family members: Emem Akpabio, Ibanga Akpabio, Prince Ukpong Akpabio,
Isong Akpabio, Engr Oliver Ebong; Former Accountant General: Mr. Isobara etc
and others. 

Senator Akpabio is simply reaping the fruits of the divisiveness he brought to the party. He prides himself as a 'smart fixer', muddling laid down principles, upturning processes, disrupting agreements and creating avoidable skirmishes that has seriously hampered APC's chances at the forthcoming 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom state. 
Obviously, this write-up will elicit some sort of response, nonetheless if Akpabio's media handlers claim that their principal pre-planned to celebrate his 60th birthday at The Apostolic Church, Ikot Ekpene Field temple, and did not gate-crash out of desperation,  they should show invitation letters (bearing the Church's address) which were sent to dignitaries and party stalwarts.

Utomobong Idung, writes from Etim Ekpo LGA, Akwa Ibom State