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South-East Governors, Senators, Other Political Leaders Are Real Enemies Of Igbo Land – Ohanaeze Council Kicks

South-East Governors, Senators, Other Political Leaders Are Real Enemies Of Igbo Land – Ohanaeze Council Kicks
January 2, 2023

The group insisted that about 75 per cent of the victimisation and marginalisation meted out to Ndigbo are instigated by the so-called leaders both at State and federal levels.

The Ohanaeze Youth Council, OYC, has decried poor leadership offered to Igbo nation by present South-East Governors and other acclaimed leaders.

A statement by Ohanaeze Youth Council, disclosed that one of its 2023 New Year's resolutions was to get rid of the governors and their likes in leadership structure in Igbo land, declaring them they were the real enemies of Ndigbo.

In the statement by its National President, Igboayaka Igboayaka, titled: "Revealing The Real Igbo Enemies", OYC described the Senators, Federal House Representatives members, State House of Assembly members, ministers and other political office holders from the South-East region as the authentic enemies of Ndigbo.

The group insisted that about 75 per cent of the victimisation and marginalisation meted out to Ndigbo are instigated by the so-called leaders both at State and federal levels.

OYC lamented that none of the political leaders of the region had been able to interrogate why the federal government led by President Muhammadu Buhari deliberate destroyed the Eastern corridor of railway project while the government was borrowing billions to construct same railway line to Nigeria republic.

The statement partly read, "The cancellation of Southeast railway project, happened quietly yet no Governor, Senator, Federal House Representatives members, State House of Assembly members, Ministers from South-East and other political office holders had questioned the rationale behind the stack and deliberate marginalisation of the region.

"Ndigbo have bunch of political sons and daughters who hang in Abuja looking for contracts to enrich themselves.

"These political cartels have regrettably, made it possible for uninformed Igbo youths to believe that Hausa/Fulani or Nigeria are the only people marginalising Ndigbo, but the primitive accumulation of wealth by Igbo politicians has proven that the real enemies of Ndigbo are politicians from South-East.

"Our governors over the years have been embezzling the Local Government's allocations with impunity; these clique of disgruntled political elements, have converted public funds into their private pause. Majority of properties own by Ndigbo abroad are owned by Igbo politicians. They all have properties and businesses in Europe.

"It's quite regrettable that we have criminals in decision making positions, blowing sirens everywhere, and allowed public infrastructures collapsed while they are using family surrogates to loot public treasury fake projects."

It added, "With the extant political and economic backwardness, insecurity ravaging the region, Ndigbo must, therefore, learn and begin to compel these common criminals we have here in South East to account for the funds and appointments given to them by federal government for Ndigbo. We must desist from getting antagonistic with any tribe or federal government of that.

"Over the years, we had men and women of questionable characters, notorious fraudulent (419), individuals and up until this moment, there's still a recurrent recruitment of yahoo boys into State House of Assembly. These men are parading at corridors of Power, only to confiscate the fortune of Ndigbo to satisfy their selfish desires.

"At the spate of insecurity and crisis between federal government of Nigeria and IPOB in South-East since Seven years the so called leaders have kept mute.

"Various reports extra-judicial killings by security forces/Jihadist as of May put the number of defenseless Igbos killed at 1400 with abducted/arrested at over 4800 Igbo youths while over 1000 youths disappeared with over 8000 internally displaced."

"Igbo youth must wake up in this 2023 to search for possible replacement for these political gangsters, looters and economic vampires that have raped Ala-Igbo since the new democratic dispensation returned in 1999. The simple new year resolution by Igbo youth should be to retire these political gangster whose only achievement was to armed the youths to fight themselves and their political enemies."

The group, however, warned misguided youths to realise that carrying arms to terrorise others is a simple way to continue to be in chains and doesn't translate or guarantee freedom.