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Only Few Yoruba People Being Fed By Their Northern Leaders Are Okay With Present Nigeria; 90% Are Tired– Yoruba Elders Council

Col. Samuel Agbede
January 11, 2023

The Council noted that only a few Yoruba people eating mere “crumbs that fell from their masters’ table," are pleased with the current arrangement, adding that a large number of Southwesterners favour the renegotiation of the amalgamation of Nigeria which has since expired.

Over 90 per cent of people in Southwest Nigeria are no longer interested in the “concoction called Nigeria," the Senior Elders Forum of the Yoruba Council of Elders, has revealed.

The Council noted that only a few Yoruba people eating mere “crumbs that fell from their masters’ table," are pleased with the current arrangement, adding that a large number of Southwesterners favour the renegotiation of the amalgamation of Nigeria which has since expired.

The senior citizens noted this in a statement issued on Tuesday, which was signed by a former National President of YCE, Col. Samuel Agbede (retd).

Warning against the postponement of the February general elections, the YCE described doing so as the postponement of an “evil day”, adding that it is a recipe for chaos and anarchy which may lead to the disintegration of Nigeria.

The statement said in part, “From our intelligence report, more than 90 per cent of Yoruba people are already fed up with the present concoction called Nigeria. It is only those who are feeding on the crumbs that fell from their masters’ table that are still paying homage to their Northern leaders.

“We, the elders heard a report that the protest was organised by some people outside the country. This made us a bit unhappy because those people who organised it didn’t come to lead or supervise the protest so as to prevent it from being violent. We can’t allow our youths to be used as cannon folders.

“If we had an inkling that they were going to hold the protest, we would have said no, don’t do it because Nigeria is in a dangerous situation especially now when the election is just about 45 days. At the moment, whoever organised that protest chose the wrong time. This is a highly volatile and sensitive period. People should do more planning and thinking.”

On the fear expressed by the country’s electoral body, the Independent National Electoral Commission that the insecurity could affect the conduct of the next general elections that are less than two months away, the group said, "If INEC is up to the task, it should go ahead because if they cancel the election, it is just postponing the evil day.”

“Insecurity could likely go unabated. Postponing the election could lead us into chaos and anarchy. If they cancel the election, will President Buhari be there till May 29 next year? Will he still be in Aso Rock?” It added.