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APC’s Broom Has Brought Nigerians Poverty; PDP’s Umbrella Is Leaking – Peter Obi Asks Voters To Reject Both Parties

Peter Obi
February 16, 2023

Obi on Thursday asked Nigerians to reject both the ruling All Progressives Congress and his erstwhile party, the Peoples Democratic Party, saying “the umbrella is leaking” and “the broom resulted into poverty.”

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has said that if elected, he would work closely with the state governors to tackle security challenges and other problems confronting the country.

Obi on Thursday asked Nigerians to reject both the ruling All Progressives Congress and his erstwhile party, the Peoples Democratic Party, saying “the umbrella is leaking” and “the broom resulted into poverty.”

The broom and the umbrella are the symbols of the APC and the PDP respectively.

Obi spoke at a brief town hall meeting with stakeholders in Imo State, saying, "We are committed to changing this country, we're committed to new Nigeria, we must be able to make this place work for everybody, the suffering, insecurity must come to an end, it cannot continue, that commitment is total.

"I'm assuring, we would be held responsible for this change, the country is so blessed but all we lack is leadership, consistency, we are having this town hall meeting to appeal to all of you to please know that our commitment is total and in our manifesto we said we would secure this country.

"We would make sure the country operates with the rule of law, we're going to move the country from consumption to production, I've said that before, Imo State alone is supposed to be a place where people would say it is fantastic, you have oil, gas and access to the sea," he said.

He added "I will partner with all the State governors as we have been going around the States, our commitment is total, and you will see it happen in Nigeria by the time you go there on 25th, vote for LP and stay there.

"At least all is clear you've tried the PDP, that umbrella is leaking; you tried the broom, it resulted into poverty, now it's time to vote for human being "Mama, Papa, Pickin." You can't go wrong; that symbol is unique, we want to care for human beings, we don't want any of the signs of the broom, we want to use the broom to sweep and we have umbrella to protect us from rain, now is the time to vote for human being."