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Nigerian Industrial Court Threatens To Jail Inspector-General Of Police, Usman Baba For Contempt

Nigerian Industrial Court Threatens To Jail Inspector-General Of Police, Usman Baba For Contempt
March 16, 2023

The NIC while issuing an enrolled order held that the IGP’s action to the rule of law was an affront to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As amended).

The National Industrial Court (NIC) in Abuja has threatened to send Nigeria's Inspector General of Police, Usman Alkali to prison over his persistent disobedience to court’s orders.

Justice Oyebiola Oyewumi, who issued the threat on behalf of the court, gave Alkali May 2, 2023 deadline to appear before the court and purge himself of contempt of the court charges or be committed to prison in line with the provisions of the law.

The NIC while issuing an enrolled order held that the IGP’s action to the rule of law was an affront to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As amended).

It was gathered that the court’s action was sequel to a suit filed by four senior ranked police officers from course 33, 34, and 35, who complained that they were compulsorily and unlawfully retired from service.

The NIC had in a judgment nullified the said unlawful retirement of the senior police officers, who are about 20 in number, and had ordered the Alkali and the Police Service Commission (PSC) to immediately reinstate them.

The claimants in the suits are CSP Egwu Egong, CSP Omeh Okexhukwu, CSP Paul Umoh, SP Galadima Bello, for themselves and representing all members of Course 33, 34 & 35 (Force Entrants) of the Police Academy, while the respondents are Police Service Commission, Inspector General Of Police, and Force Secretary, Nigeria Police Force.

But the IGP and the Force Secretary who are key defendants in the suit reportedly refused to obey the NIC reinstatement order, hence, counsel to the aggrieved police officers, Edwin Okoro, reported the violation of the court order by the IGP to the National Industrial Court.

It was reported that Justice Oyewumi in the enrolled order held that the IGP and the Force Secretary have flouted the order of the court made on February 27, 2023 to appear before it and show why they should not be held in contempt for their disobedience to the decision of the court, even when their legal department had issued legal advice urging the IGP to comply with the decision of the court.