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Voters' Apathy Mars Supplementary Elections In Anambra, Ebonyi As Residents Continue Businesses

Voters' Apathy Mars Supplementary Elections In Anambra, Ebonyi As Residents Continue Businesses
April 15, 2023

Voters’ apathy has trailed Saturday’s supplementary election conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Anambra and Ebonyi States.

In Anambra State, INEC is conducting election to elect member of the House of Representatives for Ogbaru Federal Constituency.

However despite the restriction of movement in election coverage areas across the country as declared by the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba, the streets of Ogbaru, a densely populated area of Anambra State, is busy with commercial activities.


Daily Sun reports that roads are also busy with vehicles coming in to offload goods in various warehouse and factories.

Mr Chikezie Ukachukwu, a trader in the area said: “We are aware of the election, but that is for politicians. We are here for our daily bread, so let politicians be doing their election, and let we traders be doing our business.”


Also in some polling units in Ikwo Local Government Areas of Ebonyi State, News Agency of Nigeria reports that there was low turnout of voters.

According to the report, supplementary elections are taking palace in some constituencies in the seven affected LGAs in Ebonyi, including Abakaliki, Afikpo North, Afikpo South, Ezza North, Ezza South, Ikwo and Ivo.

The election is being conducted in Ikwo to elect the representative for Ikwo North constituency in Ebonyi House of Assembly.

INEC declared the elections inconclusive in the areas due to violence and irregularities.

In Ndiogadoshi playground, polling unit 017 ward 02 in Ikwo Local Government Area, NAN reports that INEC officials arrived with materials at 9:25 a.m.

In Ugbodo village hall and Olua playground, INEC Officials were present but voter turnout was low.

An INEC official, who spoke in anonymity, told NAN that accreditation was on going smoothly but worried by the apathy among voters.


“The BVAS is working well and accreditation is ongoing,” the official added.

A voter who identified himself as Mr Sunday Chukwu, expressed worry over the election processes, blaming INEC for eroding the confidence of Nigerians in February 25 presidential and March 18 governorship elections.

According to him there was need to revamped electoral body if Nigeria want to have credible and reliable elections in the country otherwise it would continue to be a waste of time.

“I cannot go out because the last elections were not encouraging. Whether I vote or not a winner will emerge," he said.