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Arms Recovery: Makinde’s Government Empowered Former Oyo Parks Chairman, ‘Auxiliary’ But Now Hounds Him, Lawyer Calls For Thorough Probe Of Incident  

Arms Recovery: Makinde’s Government Empowered Former Oyo Parks Chairman, ‘Auxiliary’ But Now Hounds Him, Lawyer Calls For Thorough Probe Of Incident  
June 1, 2023

An Abuja-based human rights lawyer, Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq., has called on the Nigeria Police Force and Oyo State Government to exercise caution following the recovery of guns and live ammunition from the residence of the chairman of the Park Management System in the state, Lamidi Mukaila, popularly called Auxiliary.


The constitutional lawyer, who commended the effort of the police for purging Nigerian communities of thuggery, criminality and unlawful possession of firearms, described the events that led to the incident as political vendetta.


He disclosed this in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.


He said some politicians deliberately indulge in criminality by empowering individuals to oppress, suppress and intimidate fellow citizens to gain political ascendancy.


The statement said the same Auxiliary was once empowered and suitably positioned by the state government which is now hounding him over allegations of illegal firearms possession.


The lawyer called on the police to conduct an unbiased investigation into the matter, adding that true justice must swing both ways in determining the underlying social and political angles of such matters with the objective of sparing no sacred cows and creating a precedent to deter political actors immersed in such schemes.


The statement read, "I have read report of the invasion of the hotel and residence of Alh. Lamidi Mukaila Auxiliary who was before now the Oyo State Park Management System’s Chairman and the display of ammunition claimed to have been recovered from his premises.


"While it is commendable that the Nigeria Police Force may have taken the initiative to be on top of a security concern to purge our communities of thuggery, criminality and unlawful possession of firearms, we must all equally acknowledge that the events leading to this drama and the situation with Auxiliary is pure political vendetta at play and not so much a fight against criminality.


"Politicians must understand that citizens are smarter now and not blind to their ‘house-cleaning’ schemes. It is a notorious fact that politicians empower individuals to oppress, suppress and intimidate fellow citizens to gain political ascendancy and when they assume political offices and become powerful, they try to silence and implicate their ‘helpers’ who were at one time the enforcers of their very oppressive whims.


“Auxiliary’s ordeal, especially being not so long ago a notable chieftain empowered and suitably positioned by the government now hounding him, is a cautionary tale in the ephemerality of power and mischief of political power holders.


"From narrowly escaping being killed by unknown machineries suspected to have the backing of a government that once endorsed him to being held over allegations of illegal firearms possession, Auxiliary’s antagonists must equally not be spared public angst for their schemes and actions masked as a fight against criminality."

Though he commended the police for the discovery and cautioned the force not to allow itself to be used as a tool for the political class to settle grudges.


"True justice must swing both ways in determining the underlying social and political angles of such matters with the objective being to spare no sacred cows and create a precedent to deter political actors immersed in such schemes.


"Personally, I wish Seyi Makinde a successful second term in office because he has worked hard and selflessly so far and thus deserves the honor to finish his work. However, eventually, everything comes to an end. Tenures expire, and the powers, patronage and tributes that attend political offices will too. Only one’s legacy built on the back of fair-play and justice will stand the test of time and as such, true leaders must pursue manifest justice done and seen to be done," the statement added.