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Civil Societies Petition Nigerian Judicial Council, Demand Probe Of Allegations Around Justice Bulkachuwa

Civil Societies Petition Nigerian Judicial Council, Demand Probe Of Allegations Around Justice Bulkachuwa
June 15, 2023


Civil societies under the umbrella of Citizen’s Gavel have petitioned the National Judicial Council to probe the confessions made by Senator Adamu Bulkachuwa regarding the alleged influence exerted on his wife, Retired Hon. Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa, during her tenure as the President of the Court of Appeal.

The civil societies on Thursday in a release obtained by SaharaReporters noted that they demanded “for an immediate and independent investigation into these allegations.”

“Senator Bulkachuwa's voluntary admission during the valedictory session of the 9th Senate-Assembly has shaken public trust in the judiciary. He openly acknowledged that he had encroached upon his wife's freedom and independence while she held the esteemed position of President of the Court of Appeal between April 2014 and March 2020. Furthermore, he expressed gratitude to his wife for extending her help to his colleagues, raising concerns about potential bias and favouritism in judicial decisions.

“The impact of these revelations cannot be underestimated. The integrity of the judiciary is crucial for the impartial administration of justice in a democratic society, regardless of the parties involved. The National Judicial Council, as the custodian of the judiciary's independence and the entity responsible for disciplining judicial officers, must play a pivotal role in investigating these serious allegations,” the release signed by Rachael Adio, Communications Associate, said.

“According to the Code of Conduct for Judicial Officers in Nigeria, Rule 8 of the Code of Conduct emphasizes that judicial officers must not allow their family, social, or political relationships to improperly influence their judicial conduct and judgment. Senator Bulkachuwa's confession strongly suggests that Retired Hon. Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa may have been subject to improper influence by her husband in rendering judgments that favored his friends.

“In light of these grave allegations, we humbly call upon the National Judicial Council to undertake an independent investigation and inquiry into Senator Bulkachuwa's confession. Additionally, we urge a comprehensive judicial review of all the judgments delivered by Retired Hon. Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa during her tenure as the President of the Court of Appeal. Such measures are essential to address the concerns of compromised judgments, bias, and favoritism raised by Senator Bulkachuwa's statement.

“We firmly believe that justice must not only be done but must also be seen to have been done. The recent revelations have significantly undermined the impartiality and independence of the judicial process. The Lack of transparency and accountability has cascaded into a drastic reduction of trust and confidence in the judicial system, which has recently worsened by 72% (in 2022) in comparison to 67% (in 2020). The National Judicial Council, through this investigation, need to restore public confidence in the judiciary is of utmost importance, and an independent and respected judiciary is crucial for upholding the rule of law.

“By upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity, we can restore faith in the judiciary and reaffirm its vital role in our democratic society.”