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U.S. City With All-Muslim Council Bans LGBTQ+ Flags From Public Areas

U.S. City With All-Muslim Council Bans LGBTQ+ Flags From Public Areas
June 16, 2023

A Michigan city with an all-Muslim government in the United States has banned LGBTQ+ flags from public areas after an hours-long meeting that saw displays of passion from both sides.


The Hamtramck City Council meeting took a turn when a woman wearing a clown nose made a speech mocking the council and its majority-Muslim population before kissing a woman standing next to her Tuesday night, according to a report by Daily Mail.


“Sure, many Hamtramck residents have fled countries where being gay is a death sentence, but nothing says we have to make it 'comforting' and 'welcoming' here,” the woman said on Tuesday night.


“While we can't legally discriminate against LGBTQ people in the United States anymore, the City of Hamtramck can say, 'Ew, no, be proud somewhere else.”


The meeting was so well attended people were listening from the hallways as council members said the Pride flag clashed with the beliefs of some members of their faith.


Businesses and residents in the Detroit suburb aren´t prohibited from displaying a Pride flag on their own property.


“You guys are welcome,” council member Nayeem Choudhury said. '(But) why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented? You´re already represented. We already know who you are.”


“We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” Choudhury said.


Hamtramck with a population of 27,000, is an enclave surrounded by Detroit. More than 40 percent of residents were born in other countries, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and a significant share are of Yemeni or Bangladeshi descent.


Hamtramck became the first city in America to have a majority Muslim population in 2015. 


“I am a Lebanese person and I support the American flag. We are not going to sit here and tolerate you guys coming and saying, 'Oh it's Pride Month. You're gay? No problem.' Don't sit here and throw it down kids' throat, my throat, or anybody's throat.”


The council voted unanimously to display only five flags, including the American flag, the Michigan flag and one that represents the native countries of immigrant residents.


Mayor Amer Ghalib made the flag a campaign issue when then-Mayor Karen Majewski flew one on city property in 2021.


“We serve everybody equally with no discrimination but without favoritism,” he said.


Ghalib also said he was upset by what he felt was residents and the media believing they're targeting the LGBTQ+ community.


“It's not targeting any specific group, but it doesn't allow any preferential treatment for any group either. It confirms the neutrality of the city government, and it doesn't allow any religious, racial, ethnic, political or sexual orientation group flags on public or city properties.”


“It's disappointing that some media tries to make it sound as it's an attack against LGBTQ group. I have many members of this group in my boards and commissions that I appointed and we get along well. I will continue to serve and treat everyone equally, but in this resolution, we block the doors in front of any other radical or racist group that would come and ask for their flag to be flown in city properties.”